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MSTS XTracks v3.20 Standard Edition Setup (xtrack, x-track, x-tracks). Automatic installer for end users. Those wanting to get their hands dirty should get the files only instead (XTRACKSF.ZIP). Includes build #38 of the standardized tsection.dat. This is all that is needed if you don't build routes (route builders get the 'extras' package also). Oct 14, 2015 just curious do i need to have msts to install xtracks? Tried installing it and would not let me because i dont have msts installed., 11:08 AM #2 ckawahara.


4.1. Overview¶

4.1.1. Your MSTS Installation and Custom Installations for Open Rails¶

Open Rails reads only the content folders in each of the MSTS installationsyou choose to identify for it and will do so without modifying any of thosefiles. None of the MSTS program folders are used and no changes to the MSTSdirectory tree are required.

Open Rails may also be used to read a non-MSTS directory structure that youcreate.

This document uses the term Root Folder to designate the parent folder of anyMSTS or OR-Specific directory tree (.e.g, TrainSimulator is theRoot Folder for MSTS).

4.2. MSTS Directories Used by Open Rails¶

Open Rails software reads and uses all of the data found in many MSTSdirectories:

Open Rails uses a file parser to read the MSTS files and will locate manyerrors that are missed or unreported by the MSTS software or by otherutilities. In most cases, the Open Rails software will ignore the error in thefile and run properly. Open Rails software logs these errors in a log file onthe user’s desktop. This log file may be used to correct problems identifiedby the Open Rails software. The parser will also correct some of the problemsthat stumped MSTS. For example, if a texture is missing Open Rails willsubstitute a neutral gray texture and continue.

4.3. MSTS Files Used in Whole or Part by Open Rails¶

4.3.1. Route Files¶

Open Rails software uses some of the data in several MSTS Route files,depending on the MSTS features supported by Open Rails:

  • Route Database file (.rdb) – CarSpawner is supported.
  • Reference File (.ref) – a Route Editor is well under way.
  • Track Database file (.tdb) – supported
  • Route File (.trk) – Level Crossings and overhead wires are supported.
  • Sigcfg (.dat) file – Signal & scripting capabilities are supported.
  • Sigscr (.dat) file – Signal & scripting capabilities are supported.
  • Speedpost (.dat) file – Supported
  • Spotter (.dat) file – Supported
  • Ssource (.dat) file – Supported
  • Telepole (.dat) file – Supported
  • Tsection (.dat) file – Supported
  • Ttype (.dat) file – Supported
  • Hazards (.haz) file – Supported

4.3.2. Environment .env files¶

Open Rails software does not support advanced water dynamic effects.

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Open Rails uses its own sky, cloud, sun, moon and precipitation effectsdeveloped exclusively for it. When using the Explore Route feature you maychoose season, weather, and time of day. When using the Run Activity featurethey are read from the activity file. OR Weather using MSTS Compatibility¶

Open Rails can replace MSTS Environmental displays by its own (e.g., Kosmos)

4.3.3. Activities¶

Many passenger and freight activities created using the MSTS activity editorrun without problems in Open Rails.

Some Activities created using the MSTS activity editor will have slightlydifferent behavior as compared to running in MSTS. This is often due toslightly different train performance resulting from differences in how eachsimulator handles train physics.

A few activities fail to run at all. This appears to be due to the creativityof Activity Designers who have found ways to do things wholly unanticipated bythe Open Rails Team. As these are discovered the Open Rails team will recordthe bug for future correction.

4.4. Using a Non-MSTS Folder Structure¶

Open Rails uses a subset of the MSTS folder structure to run.You must create a root folder of any suitable name and it must contain fourfolders, together with their related sub-folders:

No other files or folders are required in the root folder.Within the GLOBAL folder two sub-folders are required:

Within the TRAINS folder two subfolders are required:

4.5. Original MSTS Files Usually Needed for Added MSTS-Compatible Content¶

4.5.1. Original MSTS Files Usually Needed for a Non-MSTS-Folder Structure¶

A number of MSTS folders and files must be placed into any OR-Specificinstallation you have created. These may be obtained from your own MSTSInstallation or, as noted below, from Train Sim Forums GLOBAL

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Within the GLOBAL folder only the file tsection.dat is required. The mostcurrent version is best and it can be downloaded from many Train Sim forums.Files sigcfg.dat and sigscr.dat are needed if there are routes that don’thave their own specific files with the same names in their root folder. GLOBALSHAPES

Many routes use specific track sets, like XTRACKS, UK-finescale etc.

Routes which solely use such sets do not need any of the original MSTSfiles from GLOBAL, as all required files come from the relevant track set.These sets can be downloaded from many Train Sim forums. There are also manyroutes using super-sets of the original MSTS track sets. These routes willneed some or all the files contained in the SHAPES and TEXTURESsubfolders within the GLOBAL folder of your MSTS installation. TRAINS

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Requirements are similar to routes. Again, only the folders for thetrainsets which are actually used are required, but many third-partytrainsets refer to original MSTS files like cabviews and, in particular,sound files. Many consists refer to engines or wagons from the originalMSTS routes but those can be easily replaced with other engines or wagons. SOUND

Only very few routes provide a full new sound set, so the original filesincluded in this folder are usually needed.

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Once all the above directories are populated with files you need only thespecific route folder placed into Routes to run Open Rails from anon-MSTS directory.

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Note that many routes – in particular freeware routes – use content from theoriginal MSTS routes, and therefore when installing new routes you may findtheir installation requires files from the original MSTS routes in order to beproperly installed.