Jul 13, 2018 Also changing the resolution scale higher than 150% does up my GPU usage more but I just get worse fps, and dropping it below 150% gives me low GPU usage with low frames. Using any other graphics preset with the resolution scale up just gives me the same performance as with the Ultra preset. Normally, would get 100-120 FPS on Customs with 80% CPU/GPU usage. Then randomly FPS would drop to exactly 48 every time, and CPU/GPU usage would drop to 30%. And the game would become laggy as hell, like the FPS were 5-10. Thought it was scavs spawning in, nope. A few days ago, whenever I try to play apb I get very low fps for my specs, with gpu usage hovering around 18-20%. My specs are: Ryzen 5 1600 non OC 16gb ddr4 2400mhz Gtx 1070 8gb Apb on ssd Now here is the weird part: I've tried reinstalling apb and it fixed the problem, I got 70-80 fps on high, then on my next reboot, the problem came back.
Leave reflections at low settings. On low, it uses your GPU instead of CPU, and by freeing your CPU you automatically use less RAM power. OC your RAM memory clock. Keep in mind that this game is not really well optimized so don't expect high FPS in intense situations (Cyrodil on prime-time / trials ). Low GPU and CPU usage whilst having low FPS and bad performance. posted in Computer Gaming: This is something I have been struggling with for quite a while now and I dont understand what the.
Hi everyone,Since 1 month I upgrade my GTX 960 4GB to an RTX 2060 SUPER, I was exceeded of poor performances, but since I upgrade I can't see so much differences.

Moreover my CPU and GPU usage in game are very poor (around 30 to 40%).
With plane such as FSLABS A320 on airport like Paris Orly airport I barely reach 15fps... even with low settings.
My specs are :
Low Power Gpu
16GB RAM 3200 MHZ
Here's an example of my task manager with PREPAR3D open : https://ibb.co/C2KG0SM
I would like to easily reach 25 to 30fps in the worst case if possible.
I'm running on PREPAR3D V4.5