Defeat The Artillery Forces Surrounding Vette Bug

  1. Defeat The Artillery Forces Surrounding Vette Bugle
  2. Defeat Artillery Forces Surrounding Vette
  3. Defeat The Artillery Forces Surrounding Vette Bugs
  4. Defeat The Artillery Forces Surrounding Vette Buggy

Artillery systems continued to develop after the war, with experts inventing new, more advanced and more powerful weaponry. In 1961, the Soviet Union established the Missile Forces and Artillery as an independent service branch incorporating all available artillery and missile elements of that period. In 1964, Artillery Day was renamed as Missile Forces and Artillery Day. Chapter 1 Field Artillery Mission, Roles, Capabilities, and Tasks This chapter provides an overview of the FA as a principal contributing member of the combined arms and joint FS teams.

Chapter 1

Field Artillery Mission, Roles, Capabilities, and Tasks

This chapter provides an overview of the FA as a principal contributing member of the combined arms and joint FS teams. With FM 6-20, Doctrine for Fire Support, FM 6-20-60, Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Fire Support for Corps Operations and 6-20-30, Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Fire Support for Division Operations addressing FS in detail (to be published), the FA commander's additional role as the force commander's fire support coordinator (FSCOORD) on corps, division, and maneuver brigade staffs is only briefly addressed in this and subsequent chapters. The same applies to differences in functions and responsibilities between force and field artillery command posts.


1-1. The mission of the FA is to provide responsive lethal and nonlethal fires and to integrate and synchronize the effects of fires to achieve the supported commander's intent.


1-2. FS is the collective and coordinated use of land- and sea-based indirect fires, target acquisition (TA), armed aircraft, and other lethal and nonlethal systems against ground targets in support of the force commander's concept of operations. Lethal FS consists of indirect fire weapons and armed aircraft to include FA, mortars, naval surface fires, and air-delivered munitions from fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft. Nonlethal means include electronic warfare (EW), psychological operations (PSYOP), offensive information operations (IO), and munitions such as illumination, smoke, and riot control agents. FS is most effective when its effects are massed. The four basic FS tasks, equally applicable to the FA, are:

Support Forces In Contact

1-3. Commanders must provide responsive indirect fires to protect and ensure freedom of maneuver for forces involved in decisive, shaping, and sustaining operations. The process by which this support is provided in all phases of war is discussed in FM 6-20, FM 6-20-60, and FM 6-20-30.

Support the Concept of Operations

1-4. Force commanders must retain direct control over sufficient firepower to influence the battle by attacking high-payoff targets (HPTs). The successful attack of HPTs hinders the enemy from interfering with friendly operations or effectively developing his own operations. Of particular concern is the large-scale attack of counterfire targets and deep interdiction

Synchronize Fire Support

1-5. FS is synchronized among all relevant members of the Army's battlefield operating systems (BOS) and joint and allied assets. This synchronization is assisted by the decide, detect, deliver, and assess (D3A) targeting methodology discussed in further detail in Chapter 6. Successful use of this methodology helps attack the right target with the best weapon at the right time.

Sustain Fire Support Operations

1-6. FS planners must formulate FS plans to reflect logistic limitations and capabilities. The three imperatives for sustaining the FS system during all phases of war are protection, logistic support, and technical support. They are discussed in further detail in FM 6-20 and Chapter 5. FSCOORDs are responsible for identifying overall FS sustainment requirements and ensuring those necessary actions are taken to achieve the required level of support.


1-7. The FA, as an integral part of the FS system, is responsible for participating in the planning, preparation, and execution of lethal and nonlethal FA fires delivered by FA cannons, rockets, and missiles at the operational and tactical levels. This often includes simultaneous FA fires in support of decisive, shaping, and sustaining operations, including counterfires. Deep fires, beyond the boundaries of tactical operations under joint force control, may involve the delivery of operational-level fires directly supporting the joint force commander's (JFC) campaign plan. Such fires may have potential strategic implications as in the case of enemy attack with theater ballistic missiles carrying warheads armed with agents of mass destruction.

1-8. In addition, FA commanders at all levels are responsible for the internal sustainment of the FA system to include actions to safeguard the survival of the necessary logistic and technical combat service support (CSS) infrastructure to ensure continuous operations. Commanders must be fully aware of prevailing logistic limitations and capabilities and assign priorities in harmony with the schemes of fires and maneuver. Logistic sustainability is a central aspect in achieving operational and tactical success.



1-9. A command's organic FA headquarters (HQ) is normally the force FA HQ, (e.g., div artys). When formations do not have an organic FA HQ, the respective force commander may designate an FA HQ such as an FA brigade as force FA HQ. An example of this is an FA brigade in direct support of a maneuver brigade or armored cavalry regiment (ACR). The force FA HQ performs the following functions:

  • Provides C2 for subordinate units.

  • Recommends FA organization for combat for the force commander.

  • Provides unity of command.

  • Facilitates single point of contact for outside agency coordination for force protection and additional fires.

  • Accepts or passes control of fires during passage of lines operations.

  • Authorizes changes to approved or doctrinal net structures for nets it controls.

  • Coordinates for sustainment of subordinate FA units.

  • Plans fires and positions all FA units with a tactical mission of general support (GS)/ general support reinforcing (GSR) to the force.

  • Orchestrates the counterfire battle for the force commander.

1-10. Designation as force FA HQ is not a tactical mission statement. However, when serving as force FA HQ, FA brigades have responsibilities for the organization for combat of subordinate units identical to those of a div arty.


1-11. Commanders of combined arms and joint task forces are responsible for the overall control of the FS system. Their guidance is reflected in their scheme for fires, which must be synchronized with their schemes for maneuver and support. Effective control of FS is as critical as control of maneuver forces. To assist commanders with FS C2 and decision-making, FSCOORDs are delegated the authority to perform FS tasks in the name of their commander.



1-12. As their command's FSCOORD, corps arty and div arty commanders are responsible for planning, integrating, coordinating, synchronizing, and implementing all FS matters in support of their command's current and future operations. These FS responsibilities are normally performed by fire support cells (FSCs) or FSEs in corps and division main, tactical, and rear command posts (CPs) and DOCCs. The senior field artilleryman present supervises FSC/FSE/DOCC operations and represents the command's FA commander when absent. FSCOORDs assisted by FSE/DOCC personnel:

  • Coordinate, integrate, and synchronize all indirect fires, lethal and nonlethal, in support of the force commander's intent and of forces in contact.

  • Determine FS requirements by developing essential fires support tasks (EFSTs).

  • Develop, disseminate, and implement the approved FS plan as part of the command's operation plans (OPLANs) and operation orders (OPORDs).

  • Accommodate FS requirements through the allocation of corps and division FS assets, assignment of missions, and positioning of delivery, TA, and logistic assets.

  • Advise force commanders on FS capabilities for committed maneuver units engaged in the current battle and expedite processing of immediate FS requests.

  • Maintain the status of the command's available FS and TA means.


1-13. When assigned a direct support (DS) mission, FA brigade commanders become the supported maneuver command's senior FA officer and FSCOORD. The commander of the unit's maneuver DS battalion will normally become the assistant FSCOORD (AFSCOORD) and, in this role, significantly facilitate coordination with the supported maneuver element. Regardless of circumstances or mission assigned to an FA brigade, div arty commanders remain their division's FSCOORD. (See FM 6-20-30 for additional information on FS operations.)


1-14. Corps arty, div arty, and FA brigade commanders are responsible for the C2 of subordinate FA units. They execute their FA responsibilities with the help of a separate staff principally organized in tactical operations centers (TOCs) and administration and logistic operations centers (ALOCs). Dividing available time and emphasis among FS and FA responsibilities subject to mission, enemy, terrain and weather, troops and support available, time available, and civil considerations (METT-TC) requirements, the FA commander attends to his FA tasks to ensure the timely, effective, and efficient delivery of FA fires.

Defeat the artillery forces surrounding vette buggy


1-15. FA, as a principal component of the Army's FS system, has repeatedly proven itself to be a highly effective and efficient agent for destroying enemy capabilities and the enemy's will to fight. The synchronized use of massed or selectively applied FA fires in support of simultaneous decisive, shaping, and sustaining operations is intended to weaken the enemy at all echelons and to deny him opportunities to hide and rest. Lethal and nonlethal fires can be used to isolate the battlefield and to compensate for limited maneuver forces in an economy-of-force role. In addition, FA contributes materially to force protection and survivability. It can achieve surprise with the instantaneous delivery of high volumes of fire without warning. As such, it becomes the most potent and responsive, 24-hour, all-weather combat multiplier available to force commanders.


1-16. Deep and simultaneous attacks, executed at increasingly longer range and with precision, are key elements for division, corps, and JFCs in shaping the battlespace and accelerating the enemy's defeat. In both offense and defense, deep operations are conducted to isolate, immobilize, and weaken the enemy in depth, using fire, maneuver, or a combination of the two. Deep offensive FA fires may be used to limit the enemy's ability to shift forces to meet attacking friendly maneuver forces and to sustain the momentum of the attack. Deep fires limit, delay, or disrupt the enemy's attacking echelons and FS, command, control, and communications (C3), and logistic infrastructure. They are intended to reduce the enemy's rate of arrival in the close battle area to a level manageable by brigade and battalion task force commanders.

1-17. FA systems are fully capable of conducting deep precision strikes and massing fires under all weather conditions, day or night. They provide joint and land component commanders the capability to engage HPTs when and where required. Precision strikes are also important factors in stability operations where the threat of collateral damage is often of primary concern.

1-18. As part of deep operations, proactive TA and FA counterfires can silence threat indirect fire systems before they have a major influence on the battle. Similarly, deep attack can interdict or attrit enemy maneuver forces, surface-to-surface missile systems, and logistic units/facilities; alter combat power ratios; and limit an opponent's freedom of action while simultaneously enhancing friendly options and force protection. FA fires, either separately or as part of a joint air attack team (JAAT), assist in the suppression of enemy air defenses (SEAD).


1-19. At corps and division levels, close operations during the offense or defense are undertaken to win the current battle or engagement. Close battle occurs where, when, and against whom commanders choose to commit assault forces. FA fires, in the form of preparations, counterpreparations, SEAD, programs of fires, etc., support friendly schemes of maneuver by assisting in denying the enemy favorable avenues of approach, helping maneuver forces control terrain, and defeating attacks as they are mounted. Although not taking place at the line of contact, counterfires silence enemy artillery and other indirect fire systems to preserve friendly fighting forces and combat capabilities. They give supported elements the freedom to maneuver, while smoke hides friendly movements and illumination exposes enemy formations at night. Close fires are normally the main concern of DS FA battalions whose fires in support of forces in contact may be augmented by fires from div arty and corps arty units. Commanders and planners must ensure that maneuver forces engaged in face-to-face engagements receive an appropriate share of available FS to include security forces and reserves upon commitment.


1-20. Rear operations are conducted to ensure that friendly forces retain freedom of action to support combat forces engaged in deep and close operations. The focus is on protecting the most critical capabilities. FA assets are seldom sufficient to dedicate firing units to rear area support as their sole or primary mission. FA commanders, in the role as FSCOORD, may assign on-order missions to support corps or division rear area operations. They can also meet rear area FA support requirements by positioning GS and GSR cannon units to range rear areas while continuing to perform their primary missions in support of deep and close operations. However, if a tactical combat force (TCF) is designated, commanders will ensure it is supported with a commensurate size FA unit in DS. For additional details, see FM 6-20-30.


1-21. Modern warfare and United States (US) strategic and operational considerations require US armed forces to fight as a joint team. To optimize the effects of firepower as an element of US combat power, the JFC establishes guidance for planning, prioritization of missions and targets, and the apportionment and allocation of joint FS resources. FA capabilities in support of joint operations consist principally of long-range Army tactical missile system (ATACMS) fires directed against operational objectives. They are closely integrated into the JFC's scheme of operations as part of the Army's overall FS contributions. Joint Pub 3-09, Doctrine for Joint Fire Support, and FM 6-20 provide the doctrine governing Army contributions to the joint effort.


1-22. Although US forces must be prepared to fight and win any future conflict unilaterally, it is in the national interest to employ friendly combat power in concert with regional allies and partners. Many of the treaties and defense pacts to which the US is signatory provide for US forces to operate with those of other nations. Among principal US allies, mutual agreements have evolved over extended periods of time to facilitate the conduct of combined actions. For example, artillery operating procedures are specifically addressed by North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and quadripartite (Australia, Britain, Canada, America [ABCA]) standardization agreements (QSTAGs). The Combined Forces Command in Korea is also an example of a long-standing relationship fostering the development of shared contingency plans, compatible military systems, and common procedures.

1-23. In more temporary coalition environments, agreements on doctrine, tactical principles, and operating techniques may have to be worked out under the pressure of imminent conflict or after initiation of combat operations. In any case, FA units are expected to make the necessary adjustments to adapt themselves to coalition and multinational environments.

1-24. Since few potential coalition partners and allies are expected to match deep US attack capabilities, US forces will most likely have to shoulder the responsibility of providing the resources necessary to shape the deep battlespace for the force as a whole. See Appendix A for additional considerations for US FA 'out-of-sector' missions in support of an allied division or corps and how to integrate allied support into US operations.



1-25. Successful execution of future battles will require careful planning of limited FA resources and the coordinated employment of acquisition and assessment means. FSCOORDs and fire support officers (FSOs)/FSEs on corps and division staffs normally ensure FS adequacy in support of force operations by varying the allocation and level of control over available FS resources to include FA formations. They establish command relationships and assign standard or nonstandard tactical missions with input from corps arty and div arty G3s/S3s.


1-26. Artillery C2 relationships must be clearly established to set the conditions for successful task accomplishment. As operations progress, support requirements may shift and require changes in C2 relationships. FA units are integrated into the force structure of an operational command in accordance with one of the following four command relationships: organic, assigned, attached, or under the operational control (OPCON) of a maneuver command. See Appendix B for further details.


1-27. Deployed FA brigades normally remain assigned to their controlling corps arty HQ. However, force commanders, on the advice of their FSCOORD, may on rare occasions change command relationships based on special mission requirements. They may attach units or place them OPCON to subordinate maneuver commanders. These are the most decentralized methods of employing corps arty assets, giving subordinate maneuver commanders the authority to employ FA augmentations as deemed appropriate to support their mission.

1-28. Although attachment gives gaining maneuver commanders greater employment flexibility, it is also accompanied by increased logistic and administrative responsibilities. If attached to a division, an FA brigade is normally subattached to the div arty, placing all FA assets with the division under a single FA commander. Since div arty commanders have the authority to tailor divisional FA assets, they also may change the composition of battalions in the attached brigade(s).


1-29. Fundamentals addressing FA organization for combat are shown at Appendix C. In coordination with force FSCs/FSEs, corps arty and div arty G3s/S3s recommend the organization for combat for all available FA units to their FSCOORD. When an FA brigade is the force artillery HQ, it may also recommend the FA organization for combat. These recommendations should be based on in-depth analysis of stated and implied FA tasks to support anticipated battles and engagements as they progress from deep attack into covering force and main battle areas. Plans should also include requirements for rear area battle support and security and reserve elements. Sufficient FS resources to include FA are normally retained under centralized control to concentrate fires at the decisive place and time. When approved by corps or division commanders, the FA organization for combat is established in the FS plan/annex of the force OPLAN/OPORD.

1-30. Standard and nonstandard tactical missions are discussed in Appendix D.




1-31. Corps arty commanders, in their FSCOORD role, control the command's FS system, ensuring that it supports the corps commander's guidance for fires, meets joint force requirements, and reacts responsively to changing battlefield conditions. Artillery fires in support of corps and echelons above corps (EAC) operations must be carefully integrated with other Army and joint FS elements and the Army's combined arms team.


1-32. The application of FA fires is reflected in the FA support plan, which is normally prepared under the overall supervision of the corps arty G3 in the corps arty TOC. This is not a stand-alone document developed in isolation. Rather, the plan is developed in close coordination with the corps FSC/DOCC and other corps staff elements and becomes part of the FS Annex in the force OPLAN/OPORD. It is based on corps FSC/DOCC guidance directing the FA's organization for combat, unit positioning, essential field artillery tasks (EFATs), ammunition usage, target selection, targeting criteria, and related products. It incorporates corps intelligence preparation of the battlefield (IPB) products and other critical information developed at corps, higher, or adjacent HQ.

Corps Shaping Operations in the Deep Area

1-33. Corps shaping operations in the deep area are directed against enemy forces and other targets beyond the close battle to seize and sustain the initiative within the corps commander's area of operations (AO). They may consist of a combination of fires and maneuver or fires alone and are separated from the close battle in time or space or both. Effective use and integration of corps and higher-level intelligence, TA, and targeting assets are critical.

1-34. Corps arty deep attack systems may be tasked to destroy, neutralize, or suppress HPTs supporting the JFC's operational objectives. Examples of operational-level FS include joint suppression of enemy air defenses (JSEAD) to support deep attack helicopter, air assault, and airborne operations. In addition, FA fires may support deep maneuver operations, attack enemy centers of gravity, and execute attack operations as part of theater missile defense (TMD).

1-35. Corps shaping operations in support of the close battle are used to influence the enemy so that divisions can accomplish the piecemeal destruction of enemy forces. Alternatively or concurrently with joint FS (subject to resource availability), Corps arty units deliver long-range fires to shape the battlespace and support the corps commander's tactical scheme of maneuver and fires. Corps-level deep FA fires as part of the overall FS effort are intended to disrupt, divert, or destroy enemy centers of gravity and critical functions and capabilities including attack of uncommitted forces.

1-36. To ensure unity of effort and fully integrated use of capabilities in shaping operations, a single organization within the corps is doctrinally responsible for synchronizing all FS assets in consonance with the commander's guidance. This organization is the DOCC, which interfaces with the corps FSC, and other Army, joint and allied FS agencies.

1-37. Responsibility for executing FA fires as part of the force FS plan rests with FA delivery units in consonance with FSC/DOCC guidance under the overall supervision of corps arty TOC and FA brigade personnel. The primary FA attack system currently available to strike operational targets in the deep area is ATACMS. FA rockets and cannons are principally directed at tactical-level deep targets in corps and division sectors, respectively.


1-38. Counterfire is a shaping operation that improves friendly force ratios, protects the force, and provides for successful maneuver. Counterfire is used to attack enemy indirect fire systems, observation units, C2 facilities, TA assets, and ammunition/logistics sites.

1-39. Corps commanders are responsible for counterfire throughout the depth of their AO. The corps commander, FSCOORD, and the FSC assess the corps counterfire threat as part of their FS responsibilities and determine the best way to protect the force using fires, maneuver, or both (for details see FM 6-20-60). These actions include an assessment of FA counterfire capabilities to include those in subordinate divisions.

1-40. By allocating corps assets, issuing attack guidance, and identifying corps HPTs, corps HQ influences how subordinate divisions fight their counterfire battle. Corps can shape a division's counterfire efforts by:

  • Allocation of assets.

  • Division of labor within the battlespace.

  • Delineation of areas of operation.

  • Prioritization of effort.


1-41. Corps decisive, shaping, and sustaining operations include battle in close and rear areas and engagements of its committed divisions, separate maneuver brigades, and cavalry regiments together with the combat support (CS) and CSS activities supporting them. Subject to METT-TC conditions, div arty attack capabilities are intended to be enhanced with augmentation of two FA brigades. Divisions may also nominate targets within divisional AOs for attack by corps arty assets after FSC approval and coordination with division FSEs. In all cases the division must approve all corps fire missions within its AO. Potential uses include:

  • Counterfires to suppress enemy artillery.

  • Massed preparations to create weak points or gaps in enemy defenses.

  • SEAD.

  • Counterpreparations to blunt enemy penetrations or counterattacks.

  • Assisting maneuver commanders in the protection of flanks in a corps counterattack or spoiling attack.

1-42. FA fires against enemy formations in corps rear areas will normally require the repositioning of FA cannon units since most, if not all will be positioned to engage the enemy well forward. They may receive on-order (o/o) missions in support of units designated to meet Level II and Level III threats. Level II targets require FA support to local response forces and Level III threats call for FA support for a corps combined arms TCF. Pre-positioning of artillery in the corps rear solely to support the TCF may be a viable option. Also, FA units transiting the corps rear area or undergoing reconstitution may be tasked to provide such support. Close air support (CAS), weather permitting, is also a responsive FS means to support and respond to enemy actions in the rear area. Army aviation is another flexible and responsive means to support a friendly response to or independently respond to 'hot spots' in the corps or division rear area.


1-43. If corps main CPs are destroyed or lose communications, corps arty CPs can assume responsibility for selective functions temporarily.


1-44. Corps is the lowest level at which nuclear fire planning is conducted. Divisions are responsible for force protection and nuclear, biological, and chemical (NBC) defenses only, which include strike warnings and conducting vulnerability analyses.

1-45. Residual nuclear planning considerations are addressed in detail in FM 100-30, Nuclear Operations.FM 100-30 requires commanders and staffs at all levels to be familiar with nuclear weapons effects, actions required to minimize such effects on operations, and risks associated with nuclear weapons. Detailed information on how to operate successfully in an environment marked by biological, chemical, or radioactive contamination are found in FMs 25-50, Corps and Division Nuclear Training and 25-51, Battalion Task Force Nuclear Training.

1-46. Army responsibilities for integrating nuclear options into battlefield operations rest with the United States Army Nuclear and Chemical Agency (USANCA). They deploy mobile training teams to augment, train, and exercise with existing nuclear planning staffs. Additionally, artillery warrant officers and Army Chemical Corps officers are trained and certified to conduct nuclear target and effects analyses.


1-47. The US signed the Chemical Weapons Convention on January 13, 1993, and thereby effectively renounced the use of chemical weapons for any reason including retaliation. To deter enemy use of chemical (or biological) weapons, military units must establish and maintain a strong defensive capability against such threats.



1-48. The basic task for a div arty is to provide responsive indirect fires that protect and ensure freedom of maneuver to forces in contact with the enemy in division shaping, decisive and sustaining operations.


1-49. Div arty commanders and AFSCOORDs work closely with division G3s and G2s throughout the planning, preparation, and execution phases of an operation. The schemes of maneuver and of fire are developed at the same time based on the commander's intent. The FSE passes this information to the div arty TOC, which concentrates primarily on divisional counterfires, other shaping fires, and SEAD.

Defeat The Artillery Forces Surrounding Vette Bugle

1-50. The division FA support plan implements corps and the division commander's attack guidance to include FA organization for combat, ammunition allocations, positioning instructions, and target selection criteria and designations. Similar to operations at corps, the completed FA support plan becomes part of the force FS plan in the force OPLAN/OPORD. When an FA brigade(s) has been attached to or is reinforcing a div arty, the FA brigade's firing elements are included in the div arty's FA support plan.


1-51. Divisional deep FA fires are interdiction fires that use targeting objectives to destroy, divert, delay, and disrupt uncommitted enemy forces before they can engage friendly forces or to support deep maneuver operations. This includes counterfires and the attack of air defense artillery (ADA) systems, TA systems, and enemy aircraft, and missiles on the ground. To accomplish this task and create favorable conditions for decisive operations, div artys are normally supported by at least two corps FA brigades to provide them with missile fires and additional rocket and cannon firepower.

Divisional Counterfire

1-52. Counterfire responsibilities of division commanders essentially mirror those of corps commanders. They are a major task for div arty commanders within boundaries established by corps. Successful prosecution of the divisional counterfire battle destroys, neutralizes, or suppresses hostile indirect fire systems in both offensive and defensive operations, thereby protecting friendly elements from the effects of enemy artillery fires. This, in turn, provides friendly maneuver forces with the necessary freedom of action and flexibility to prosecute the direct firefight relatively unencumbered by threat artillery fires. This is particularly critical for light units and any mechanized elements conducting dismounted operations, e.g., breech operations.

1-53. Since most threat FA systems are located in a division's AO, the preponderance of counterfire battles will take place within this area. Divisional organic FA counterfire assets are limited to the division (3x6) multiple launch rocket system (MLRS) battalion in heavy divisions supported by its organic target acquisition battery (TAB). One of the two FA brigades that will normally augment a div arty in an attached or reinforcing status may be given the responsibility for planning and executing the division's counterfire battle. However, even in this case, the div arty commander as division FSCOORD retains overall responsibility for orchestrating the division's counterfire effort.

Support of Decisive Operations

1-54. The delivery of FA fires against enemy formations in contact is primarily the responsibility of DS artillery battalions as an integral part of the combined arms team at brigade/battalion task force and company team level. If these capabilities are insufficient, DS artillery may be augmented with fires from div arty or FA brigade units. In addition, close combat operations can be materially supported through counterfires and deep FA interdiction fires as noted above.

Support of Rear Area Battles

1-55. Fires in the rear area are coordinated and cleared by FSEs in rear area CPs. FA support will normally consist of cannon units that have been positioned within range of priority protection points or units with an o/o mission such as a DS o/o mission to support a TCF. Their primary employment will be against Level III threats, requiring commitment of a designated TCF. The use of air assault artillery in this role facilitates rear area coverage and decreases response times, especially if relocation distances are significant. Although Army aviation or Air Force CAS including AC-130H gunships may be the more mobile and responsive FS assets, FA firing units and maneuver force mortars are not as restricted by adverse weather or low visibility conditions at night.

Responsibilities as Alternate Division TOC

1-56. Similar to corps arty TOCs, div arty TOCs have the necessary infrastructure, supporting communications, and situational awareness to assume responsibility for selective division TOC functions for limited periods.



1-57. FA brigades retained under corps control provide the MLRS and cannon systems to attack corps HPTs. As determined by joint and corps FSC/DOCC/targeting elements, these fires may be directed against critical facilities, installations, or troop formations such as counterfire targets, air defense, and TMD nodes.


1-58. Divisional assets available for engaging division HPTs within sector beyond the close battle are limited. Each division is normally reinforced by at least two FA brigades to provide additional fires in the division battlespace. An appropriate mission is for the divisions to assign the responsibility for coordinating and executing the counterfire battle to one of the reinforcing FA brigades. The division must augment that FA brigade HQ with acquisition and processing assets in the form of Firefinder radars and div arty target processing personnel. This allows div arty's FA, using organic assets and the remaining attached or reinforcing FA brigade, to focus on attacking other deep targets or supporting the close battle. Assignment of the divisional counterfire mission should receive prior corps arty concurrence to ensure availability of the FA brigade to perform the counterfire role for the duration of the operation. The FA brigade may also be provided target processing augmentation from the corps arty.


1-59. FA brigades may be tasked to support division decisive operations when given a reinforcing (R) tactical mission to a div arty or when assigned a DS tactical mission or attached to a brigade-sized maneuver element. Assigning two FA brigades in support of a committed division gives the force commander the flexibility to assign one of the FA brigades the counterfire mission, while using the other FA brigade to augment the fires of the div arty in the close area.


1-60. Unless specifically assigned the mission to support a rear area maneuver force, FA brigade elements may be positioned so that they support rear area operations while performing their primary mission in support of the corps or division close and deep battle.


1-61. FA brigades can, for limited periods of time, perform the functions as alternate corps arty or div arty TOC as in the case of div arty displacements. In preparation, FA brigades must track current situations and prepare to assume control over all FA assets and execute corps/div arty-planning functions. This could be a viable role for an FA brigade headquarters not assigned the counterfire mission.



1-62. The basic task of a Marine artillery regiment is to provide close, continuous, and responsive artillery fires that protect and ensure the freedom of maneuver to forces in contact with the enemy in deep, close, and rear operations.


1-63. Regimental commanders and division assistant fire support coordinators (AFSCs) work closely with division G3s throughout the planning, preparation, and execution processes of an operation. The scheme of maneuver and the plan of fires are developed at the same time based on the commander's intent. The fire support coordination center (FSCC) passes this information to the regimental combat operations center (COC), which concentrates primarily on divisional counterfires, deep fires, and SEAD.

1-64. The artillery fire plan implements division FSCC guidance, task organizations, positioning instructions, and target selection criteria and designations. The completed artillery fire plan becomes part of the division FS plan in the division's plan/OPORD. When additional artillery units are attached to or reinforcing a regiment, they are included in the artillery fire plan.


1-65. Divisional deep artillery fires are interdiction fires intended to disrupt, delay, and destroy uncommitted enemy forces before they can engage friendly forces. This includes attack of enemy CPs, ADA, and missiles. To accomplish this task and create favorable conditions for the close battle, a regiment may be reinforced by additional cannon artillery from other artillery regiments and/or rocket/missile artillery provided by the Army.


1-66. Counterfire activities include the targeting and attack of enemy indirect fire weapons, associated equipment, and observers. Counterfire is a major task for the artillery regiment within boundaries established by the Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF) commander. Successful prosecution of the divisional counterfire battle destroys, neutralizes, or suppresses hostile indirect fire weapons in both offensive and defensive operations. This both protects friendly forces from enemy indirect fire and provides friendly forces with the necessary freedom of action to engage the enemy.

1-67. The regiment maintains organic TA and target processing assets; however, organic artillery counterfire assets are essentially nonexistent. The artillery regiment requires additional attached or reinforcing artillery to meet its close support and deep support responsibilities. MLRS units from the Army may reinforce or be OPCON to a regiment to provide counterfires.


1-68. The delivery of artillery fires in support of forces in contact with the enemy is primarily the responsibility of DS artillery battalions. If the DS artillery battalion's capabilities are insufficient, its fires may be reinforced with fires from other artillery units within the regiment.


1-69. Fires in the rear area are coordinated by FSCCs in rear area CPs. Units that have been positioned within range of critical installations or unit concentrations will normally provide artillery support. Scarce artillery resources rarely permit units to be dedicated to rear area FS.


1-70. The entire artillery regiment is rarely deployed as part of an amphibious force. Normally, individual firing batteries are attached to a Marine expeditionary unit (MEU) for amphibious operations. Larger operations will involve the deployment of Marines to meet equipment aboard maritime prepositioned shipping. If the conflict requires the commitment of a Marine division, upon its arrival in theater, the artillery regiment will assume control of all artillery in the division sector.


1-71. A regimental COC with personnel and/or equipment augmentation may be used as the alternate division COC for a limited period of time.

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Disclaimer: I do not own bleach! All credits go to Tite Kubo

Eastern Soul Society Command

Chad and his forces were quick to scramble his forces into the Soul Society, the majority of them had already arrived and by now artillery guns surrounded Sokyoku hill, however that was to have the high ground, as the first division buildings weren't finished they had opted to create a command structure inside the training grounds within Sokyoku hill, that way they weren't exposed and had ample of protection, and the Sokyoku hill also provided a good lookout position aswell for the commanders.

The hill possessed a major advantage as it allowed the officers to get a peak all across the Soul Society and consider the situation, but the Dominion hadn't penetrated their defense yet, although they were extremly worried, the screens attached to the radar was showing three massive red dots on the screen, upon filtering it out and getting a number from the radar, Chad and Kyoraku would be wise to remember a certain thing as they were stunned to look at the number.

The Gotei would be lead by Kyoraku and consisted of.

40.000 Soldiers, 3.000 Onmitsukido soldiers, 4.000 Kido force soldiers and 300 kido mortar artillery, though in truth their actual number was far less as the majority of their force was conscripts from the noble household guards, students still attending the academy and retired Shinigami, in essence it was more of a trained militia at this point then an actual regular military force.

Supported by the Quincy forces lead by Chad which consisted of:

100.000 soldiers already stationed in the Seireitei, 450.000 soldiers as reinforcements, 7 airships, 1.500 wingmen, 2.800 howitzers, 1.800 autoballista, 8.000 special forces from the unit four of the A.N.U, 25.000 Stormtroopers, 13.000 engineers, 15.000 Pyros and 5 Sternritters

Originally Chad wanted Kaien to take the helm but Kaien refused, stating he would be more then happy as a second-in-command rather then the commander, he also stated that Chad could use the experience, although Kaien had a bad feeling about this battle, not because of Chad's leadership as he had gotten training in command, which was ordered by Ichigo and given by the O.D.K, but because of the numbers they faced.

The Dominion really wanted the Seireitei, which showed as the QSR-5 monitor notified that their numbers consisted of:

2.800.000 soldiers, 250.000 flyers, the number of their artillery is yet unknown, any other support assets or special forces is currently unknown.

They were completely outnumbered, Chad wanted to implicate a bombardment strategy using artillery and airships but before he could speak he had already realized a major flaw in that plan, first off was the Dominion flyers, they would totally dominate the skies and potentially destroy the airships, taking that asset out fully which would be a major blow to the Quincies given their situation, and the second problem was the protective walls that shielded the Seireitei that made a barrier around it, ensuring that any artillery shells that tried to leave will only explode in the air as they hit the barrier and not the fullbringers, making the Quincy artillery useless at this moment as the Dominion forces were on the otherside of that wall.

While it did give the Gotei and Quincies time to fortify their defences accordingly and put down the autoballista and the artillery guns, while the Gotei prepared their Kido mortars, aswell as let the nobility evacuate properly if they were fast, it also prohibited the Quincies from opening fire so they had to pull their artillery close to the gates away from that location and further back.

The Sokyoku hill were simply too far away from the gates of having the artillery ever reach the gates from that location as the Seiretei was massive aswell, so for now all artillery inside the 1st division grounds were loaded with FlaK casings to function as tripple As, or Anti Air Artillery while the autoballista would light up the sky with reishi ballista arrows to function as a bug spray to prevent any flyers from getting close to the command tents, ensuring that the 1st division grounds was a highly armed fortress, with Sokyoku hill in the center.

While Chad, Hans and Kaien aswell as the sternritters refused to say it, they didn't really hope for a victory given their situation though it wasn't impossible, it would take a lot of work and a lot of luck to gain victory here, using clever strategies and tactics were the key to a victory here, Hans was doubtful, the best way to decrease their numbers was by utilizing a war of attrition, namely have the enemy run out of resources and necessities before you do.

In order to do that however they would need to sever the Dominion supply lines and cut off their forces at the same time in an encirclement maneuver all while holding a defensive line in several strategic places, however even that would be very difficult, even if they did manage to encircle all the Dominion troops the encirclement area would simply be too large for all their troops to maintain without risking a direct confrontation constantly, then there was the Dominion flyers, which also posed a massive problem as the Dominion could easily obtain air superiority.

They would be unable to watch over the entire line, to put it bluntly, so while an encirclement was a valid tactic it was also risky as it might not even do the trick or solve anything whatsoever and only end up leaving the Quincy forces with massive casualties, so in the end it was accepted by the Quincy commanders, to simply acknowledge defeat.

However, that didn't stop the Quincies their intentions to attempt to defend the Seireitei, as Chad and Hans had opted for terror tactics, namely to terrorise the enemy troops by using bombs, artillery and everything destructive they could get their hands on, screw damages to the Seireitei, if they were going to lose the Seireitei they were hell bent on winning in a psychological term as they refused to leave without some sort of victory in one form or another.

If they could somehow send a severe blow to the Dominion mentality then they would fight less efficiently, the best way to do it was random but coordinated and rapid artillery strikes, large explosives, sudden ambushes, killzones and so on, but most importantly, leave no one alive to tell the tale, let the Dominion figure it out themselves and see the horrors.

A decision was also made for all Quincy forces as Chad had given the order to avoid all close quarter combat at any costs, take them out from a safe distance if possible, the usage of swords and shield or other melee weapons were strictly prohibited unless absolutely needed, this was in order to save soldiers from melee combatants and avoid unecessary casualties as they just couldn't afford any.

Looking at the map with general Hans, they tried to find perfect killzones to ambush Dominion troops around the Seireitei, and certain spots stood out, aswell as certain key towers, where snipers were already placed and was ordered to kill the officers over the soldiers to disrupt their chain of command, so the commanders, sub commanders, captains and lieutenants were now having a strategy meeting to discuss how to take them on.

'We can establish a zone here, they will without a doubt cross there.' Chad pointed out as he looked at the road network on the map.

'Hmm... It is a wide area but it's walls helps keep our troops concealed if we got up there, a reishi rope with a hook might just do the trick if we manage to keep it out of sight, the troops did after all recieve rope climbing training during boot camp so that should be easy, the problem is that it might be just too many so I'd recommend artillery strikes at the same time.' Hans said as he looked at the map.

'Do we have any emplacements closeby?' Kaien asked.

'We have this one, it is just within proper range, I just hope that the shells doesn't change course and accidentally hits our own troops enroute.' Hans replied as he pointed at a marked position on the map.

'That is pretty far away.' Kaien pointed out.

'It is the closest we have and the only batteries in range.' Hans replied.

'I see, well that doesn't really make things easier close to the walls if they are firing at maximum range.' Kyoraku said as he held his chin.

'Agreed, regardless, do we have an emergency evacuation proceedure?' Hans asked curiously.

'Emergency evacuation proceedure?' Chad asked as Kyoraku narrowed his eyes and looked down sadly.

Defeat the artillery forces surrounding vette bugs

'I wouldn't be surprised if this is something you are not used to lord Chad, but everytime you and his majesty have fought it has always been under tightly controlled conditions done by the Soul Society, but in this instance it is far different, there isn't any time freeze to assist us, quite the contrary it is going to be utter chaos as we fire our guns and bows at the Dominion and they fire their staves and what not on us, and in the center of it all, right in the crossfire there are going to be civilians.' Hans reminded Chad.

Now this caused Chad to think hard, in the end Hans was right, he had always fought in controlled conditions but now there wasn't any controlled condition, fighting would erupt over several kilometers, and there were bound to be civilians in the middle of it all, after all the nobility had their servants, who sometimes married low ranking soldiers and got a family, or shop keepers many of whom has been conscripted to increase the Shinigami numbers, but still they had families aswell, innocent men, women and children would die, and the children that didn't, would see war and brutal murdering with their own two eyes as artillery shells and reishi bullets and arrows would fly around them if they weren't evacuated.

However there was simply no time for them to arrange an evacuation right now, not unless they wanted the Dominion to steamroll all over them and have the Wandenreich suffer unnecessary casualties amongst soldiers they needed, Chad looked at Kyoraku, then he widened his eyes as Kyoraku shook his head, indicating there were no evacuation plans or proceedures, effectively dooming many civilians.

'Are you serious head captain?' Nanao asked, stunned by this revelation.

'I am afraid so.' Kyoraku replied.

'I... See... And we don't have the time to create a plan either otherwise we risk a Dominion victory here if we lose all our forces in the process...' Nanao replied, a bit saddened by the news.

'It's not a matter of if lieutenant, it is a matter of when.' Hans replied bluntly.

'Huh?' Nanao asked, not realizing what Hans meant.

'It is as he says Nanao-chan, once they get past our walls and unless we recieve a miracle, we may have already lost the Seireitei.' Kyoraku replied sadly.

Now this stunned the lieutenants though the captains had already an idea that this was the case with the Dominion's reported numbers, even Yamamoto and Ukitake who was present aswell as Ginrei who had opted to stay behind to assist with the defence knew that this was coming, and that they had to prepare to abandon their capital, even central 46 had been convinced as such should things take a turn for the worst, with an ally they trusted they surprised all the captains and nobility by ordering everyone to prepare to flee to the Wandenreich.

Though the reason central 46 made that call was because they had realized that they could fight as a government in exile rather then to let the government and their army be destroyed as it was a more produent decision to sometimes abandon things you hold dear in times of war and reclaim it later, though that didn't mean that it was without objections or extreme anger.

Kyoraku looked at Chad who was obviously in deep thought, somehow Chad managed to keep his calm despite this being his first command, however in Chad's mind the civilians became a priority, he knew he couldn't send soldiers to assist in their evacuation without weakening his own position and needlessly risking soldiers should the Dominion be able to penetrate the walls, and the Seireitei wasn't really a defensive position as the walls in the city wasn't defensive but rather to seperate specific locations, something Chad was fully aware of at this point, so the only defence the Seireitei had was it's forces and it's outer walls, and that's it, once someone gets past the walls they had to use manpower as no other defences existed, the ones that currently existed was hastily put together and wasn't really enough as the Quincies never anticipated a force this size.

'General, can our sirens relay messages aswell?' Chad asked curiously.

'I'm afraid not, our sirens here aren't speakers, but rather engines attached to a slotted chopper that spins around, using the air to generate the sound as the chopper speeds up and slows down occassionally, the speakers on it are connected directly to the turbine to amplify the sound, creating the loud wailing sound, unlike Silbern, ours are fully mechanical and not attached to speakers.' Hans replied, making Chad realize that the military had to give out the messages manually which would take too long.

'Alright, we'll have our soldiers tell the civilians while they move to their positions, they won't have a lot of time but hopefully it should make a difference for some of them...' Chad said with a defeated tone as Hans nodded.

Somewhere in the Seireitei

'Are you serious?' A soldat asked as he looked up laughed.

'I am.' An engineer replied with a small laughter as he took out some tools on his belt.

'Damn, that guy really manages to get lucky.' The soldat replied.

The engineers, the backbone of the support assets when it came to the army, if something broke they fixed it, if something was already broken they fixed it, if something hard and difficult needed breaking they broke it or blew it up, if something needed building, they built it, if an area needed to be fortified or mined, they fortified and mined it, if an area needed to be cleared of mines or explosives, the engineers knew exactly what to pull out of their motorpool.

Being masters of the Quincy art when it came to reishi manipulation and manifestation after harsh training, aswell as mechanics using tools and explosive ordinance disposal teams or mining teams, the engineer corps of the Quincy military was one of the most respected actually, as the engineers knew exactly where to place what in order save the lives of the front line troops alongside the medics, though the engineers weren't as skilled in fighting as the regular troops were, they were still capable of handling themselves in a battlefield with a weapon or defending themselves.

The engineers were quite unique in uniform appearance from the regular soldiers, carrying special vests with lots of pockets, with an attachable tank to it that was special, the tank used reishi to produce a welding line for a welding pistol in case the engineers needed to weld something together, or acetylen gas and oxygen for a torch to cut through even the hardest of steel using heat, or it provided air for tools that required air to operate, aswell as pure oxygen to a mask that the engineer could use should it be needed, all controlled by a controller attached to the vest they were carrying.

While the lines were detachable and the engineers was trained to manifest the required pieces using crosses, the tank came with the lines and equipment originally from the factory, as a result the engineers was now having up to 15 crosses in backup, for equipment though the engineers was arguing to the O.D.K that they needed more and that was taken under consideration and is still being discussed.

Their vests had lines attached to them, to help them carry heavy tools and keep it up for them, which was handy as the engineers might need to climb at times, their vests also had a lot of pockets, one packed with crosses, and the others packed with different tools, making the vest quite heavy, and their belts weren't better off either, though they were unique as the engineers were equipped with a special climbing equipment.

This climbing equipment was controlled by two sword hilts with two buttons that controlled the equipment, the sword hilt was used to create a reishi sword, just like the Seele Schneider, the sword created vibrations in the reishi, increasing cutting efficiency and making the sword function like a chainsaw, it even vibrated more then the seele schneider did, ensuring that just one touch and it would go through as it sawed through whatever it touched with ease, though it did have a limit as to what it could cut, hence the reason why the engineers carry torches, the hilts and the climbing gear could also use reiatsu as a replacement for reishi incase reishi was unavaileble, just as a safety precaution to ensure that it worked.

The climbing gear, where they had one on the left and right side of their hips, would fire out either a hook into the walls and lock itself inside the walls by using pins to shoot into the walls for stability, or they had magnet like disks that would stick to any object like it was welded together, though the pieces were controlled by reishi control, namely the engineer would feed the device reishi while using that reishi to control the reishi line and it's course, ensuring it always gets where they wanted it to go, they could also make the disc or hook detach itself using the reishi aswell, the buttons on the hilt was only to fire it and to control whether they wanted to ascend or descend, and was usually attached to the device on the belt so they didn't need to hold it as the device functioned as a holder for the hilts aswell, the gear was extremly fast if you knew how to use it properly, even the A.N.U had recieved such gear in case they need it, though they knew how to use hirenkyaku though, unlike the engineers so the A.N.U covert and black ops unit rarely used.

The device was also special as the engineers could manifest a physical line in case they work close to reishi absorbing materials, so that the line never broke, the climbing pieces also held special materials to ensure that reishi stayed inside and didn't leak to reishi absorbing materials, ensuring that the engineers could use the device to climb even seki-seki walls, though the disk was widely used for that reason. While the device was created by the research division, it was actually the engineers that designed it, the O.D.K thought it sounded good and so did the research division and before the engineers could blink they had the the climbing equipment they wanted, though using it took a lot of practice as it was hard to indirectly control something using a mechanical device that shot out either a disk or a hook.

The engineers also carried helmets, similar to the German Stahlhelm, which was used in world war 2, that was in case something fell down and hit their heads hard or something like a wall or anything like that as it was unable to protect against reishi attacks, so in short it was only a safety helmet, they also carried engineer goggles that protected their eyes when cutting or welding, aswell as special but white, work pants that was designed to fulfill a multirole, namely protect them in combat and protect them against work hazards with a lot of pockets, aswell as a work jacket with the same function and work boots, though their vests did have a black like color, and the helmet did have a black like color with the star cross on the sides.

It wasn't uncommon for the soldiers to accompany engineers to protect them in the field, the soldiers was aware that their survival increased if the engineers was alive and built defensive fortifications for them to use, aswell as the traps the engineers may place for any enemy which decreases the amount of enemies they have to fight, making the engineers a vital piece of the Quincy war machine, even now despite the Dominion not getting past the walls yet, the 25 engineers were being guarded by almost 60 soldiers, namely 40 Quincies and 20 Shinigami for a variety of reasons.

'Well he was lucky enough not to be selected for this shitty job.' Another engineer complained.

'Yeah, I mean what is this place?' The engineer asked as he and some others looked around.

'Not sure, it sure is dark and creepy though.' One of the soldiers replied.

'Yeah it is, I mean what is with all those curtains?' Another soldat asked as he looked around from the light coming from an opening at the top.

'Not sure, wanna take a look?' A soldat asked.

'Alright.' The soldat replied as they headed towards the curtains.

Approaching the curtains the soldiers were curious as to what was there, they had been on guard ever since they started working down there and they knew the engineers didn't put them up, and the division guarding them, namely the 8th division didn't know much either, one of the soldats touched the curtains, causing it to move, followed by another unknown movement, which definitely alerted the two soldats.

The soldat looked around and noticed that no one else was weary of the curtains, primarily because they didn't notice, carefully he moved to curtain and once they saw what was behind it they were stunned and frightened as they had been caught completely off guard with their rifles hanging from their rear shoulders, they just stood there and stared at it, and it stared at them, silently.

Then out of the blue the hollow screamed with it's usual terror filled tone, startling the two soldats who quickly reached for their rifles, hopeful that they would make it as the hollow made a rapid charge for them, by this point everyone was alerted and the other soldats reached for their weapons aswell as the Shinigami who drew their Zanpakuto, the engineers reached for the high ground to avoid combat however, leaving combat to the regular soldiers.


The soldiers just stood there, watching the hollow as it crashed into a gate that kept it locked in, in their panic the soldiers didn't notice the gate, just the screams and the mask, the two soldats had just touched their rifle and at that point they had realized that if the gate that kept the hollow locked away wasn't there, then they'd be dead meat by now.

The ruckus caused gained a lot of attention as an officer quickly approached.

'The hell is going here!?' A Quincy lieutenant asked as he ran towards the scene.

'A hollow?' A sergeant replied as he noticed what was going on.

The ruckus was also heard by someone else closeby, someone who was originally not supposed to be there but were there anyways and they came running, it was two Shinigami in lab coats and four regular Shinigami, clearly belonging to the 12th division.

'What the?..' A female scientist asked as she came running.

'What are you doing?' The male scientist asked.

'Preparing for battle.' The lieutenant replied.

'I can see that, what I am asking is why are you removing those curtains?' The male scientist asked once more, this time sternly.

'These men have orders to protect our engineers while they work, ensuring that an area is safe is part of that job, now it's my turn, why are these hollows here?' The lieutenant asked suspiciously.

'That is none of your concern.' The female scientist replied.

'As long as I have your head captains word on a safe working environment for my engineers then it is, we have not been informed that we would bring our valuable engineers to a hollow infested dungeon.' The lieutenant replied.

'They are locked away.' The male scientist replied.

'And they can break out aswell and endanger our forces here, as you can see we are clearly outnumbered!' The sergeant said sternly as he spoke before the lieutenant.

'Do not worry, the situation is fully under control.' A shinigami soldier from the 12th division said.

'Doesn't look like it, considering how you came running, and what are you four even doing here? You have been ordered to report for duty have you not?' The lieutenant asked suspiciously.

'We have been ordered to remain down here and guard the hollows.' A Shinigami guard replied.

'Considering Hueco Mundo I find that quite hard to believe.' The sergeant said.

'Believe what you will.' The guard said.

'Enough about my men, do not peek anymore into these curtains or remove them, I will personally punish anyone who doesn't obey this order.' The female scientist practically ordered, which was amusing for the lieutenant and the sergeant.

'Any soldier of the Wandenreich obeys to the crown and his majesty, not you.' The lieutenant reminded.

'Then I will make it easier for you, any Quincy who does not obey this instruction will be killed, now I if you'll excuse me I need to punish your men for their insolence.' The male scientist said, causing the officer to frown.

'Ohh... Well if you want it that way then... Soldats, any Shinigami that raises a hand or weapon against Quincy soldiers or threatens them any further are to be deemed hostile, shoot to kill.' The lieutenant ordered as all soldats grabbed their rifles.

This caused the members of the 12th division to frown, wondering whether the Quincy forces were intending to kill them, the guards was reaching for their weapons but the soldats were ready to fire, indicating that they intended to follow through with their order if they went against the soldiers.

'You wouldn't dare, captain Mayuri will have your hides for this.' The female scientist threatened.

'Doubtful, I think he learned his lesson back in Karakura town.' The lieutenant replied.

'You cannot do this.' The male scientist said in disbelief.

'Yes I can, by order of his majesty, all officers are responsible for the safety and well being of our soldiers, that is our duty as officers as our soldiers are also under the protection of his majesty, anyone who raises a hand or weapon against them... Well I do not need to remind you that the Soul Society has a noble on death row for that aswell as several houshold guards executed or killed already now do I? Do not think for a second that you are any different or will recieve special treatment!' The lieutenant said sternly.

The Shinigami guards and scientists realized that the lieutenant was serious and he did have a point, no one dared to imprison a noble but Ichigo had condemned Okuda Uramadani, rumors were that the trial was phony and that Ichigo had ordered her execution by utilizing the supreme court although those rumors were wrong as Ichigo let the trial be independent, if he wanted to condemn someone personally by creating a phony trial then he would have been the judge instead utilizing the royal court.

The scientists didn't really want to face the firing squad so they opted instead to leave the matter to Mayuri as they went to report it, however the Quincies reported it using radio as they had signals down here, and regardless their high command, namely the command structure on Sokyoku hill and Chad was less pleased about this and had a talk with Kyoraku who later gave Mayuri hell for this alongside Yamamoto as those hollows were ordered killed long ago but Mayuri wanted to keep them for research so he disobeyed the order, so Chad with Kyoraku's permission had the Quincies use the forces already there to have the hollows shot.

The two scientists recieved hell from Chad and Kaien regarding this and Kyoraku was less pleased that the four guards haven't reported for duty so Chad and Kaien had the two scientists flogged hard for this, with the lieutenant flogging them, much to his delight, as for the four guards Chad accused them for cowardice and had them face the firing squad for displaying cowardice though a court martial was standard proceedure, execution could happen if a soldier displayed cowardice in face of the enemy, effectively showing the low tolerance the Wandenreich had for acts of cowardice, however they said that they were ordered to stay behind so the firing squad held their fire and they were later ordered to report for the duty.

Rumors spread rather quickly so all Gotei members that failed to report for duty rapidly did so, not wanting to face the firing squad because they were deemed cowards, so suddenly the amount of Shinigami they had availeble quickly increased by a small margin, central 46 allowed the Quincies to execute Shinigami that was displaying cowardice aswell, as a result a 120 soldiers of the A.N.U unit one the patrol and punishment division was brought as military enforcers, namely to ensure that the cowards gets executed as the cowards they are.

Truthfully the Gotei and Wandenreich would rather execute the cowards then let the enemy see them, seeing as the cowards wouldn't do anything on the front lines anyways it didn't really matter if they were executed or not because the lack of numbers would still be there.

World of the Livin (Japan, Mutsu)

As for the battles in Mutsu, the Dominion had tried to flank the Quincy lines just as the commander expected, but he had already braced for such an attempt and because of that it failed, ensuring that the Dominion forces was left in the killzone, bombarded left and right by artillery and rifles and arrows.

Eventually the Dominion lost all morale and attempted to retreat in a panic, despite their commanders orders to stay and fight, resulting in an internal clash between the soldiers and officers that later lead to a mutiny, causing the injury of some of the officers as the soldiers retreated unorganized and in a panic completely devoid of all morale and will to fight.

The result was a decisive victory for the Quincies, and in the aftermath the Dominion abandoned their attempt to capture Karakura town, deciding to wait for a better opportunity as the Quincies had massively won this battle by having them locked into a killzone and had the advantage of massively coordinated artillery.

Reverse London (Westminister Palace)

***One Hour Later***

'I do sincerily apologize for this delay.' A minister said.

'Not at all, waiting is part of my job as a diplomat.' Heinz laughed.

The two chatted for a while, getting to know each other and speaking about their respective nations to get a better understanding of each other, which was an essential part of diplomatic contact, the minister, who was put in charge of diplomatic contact with the Wandenreich clearly hoped for a favorable outcome, though Heinz could see how desperate they were, though he couldn't blame them, seeing as they didn't have a proper military might.

'So, shall we get down to business?' The minister asked nicely.

'Of course, it is my understanding that you have been trying to contact us for a while now is that correct?' Heinz asked.

'It is, though due to the Schatten we have been unable to enter, it isn't the standard gateway you are using after all, the shadows is going to be impossible to navigate.' The minister replied.

'It will be impossible without using the correct entry point or being escorted by another Quincy.' Heinz answered.

'It is a good defensive line.' The minister added.

'It is, though his majesty and the grand mistress have asked the question why you haven't used your eastern branch to contact us?' Heinz asked curiously.

'The thought have come to our minds on several occassions but the parliament also reminded us of the fact that we haven't had any diplomatic manouverings with the Seireitei for over a millenia, with them doing their things and we doing ours there wasn't really much to discuss, there was also a difference in culture aswell as beliefs on how the spiritual world should be, should we modernize like the world of the living or should we not? That part seperated us for some odd reason though that was long ago and I do not have the full story, honestly I think no one has these days.' The minister replied as Heinz nodded on several occassions in understanding.

'I see, these problems would make it infeasible to open a diplomatic channel just to ask whether you can get in contact with another.' Heinz concluded.

'So you can surely see our plight... Risking losing diplomatic respect with our eastern branch while we are fighting a war isn't really something that is wished for.' The minister replied.

'I do, Silbern have been throwing around ideas of embassies in order to ease up diplomatic missions, if an ambassador is already in one point there is no need to worry about the lack of communications, now as I report directly to his majesty I can forward this idea to ensure that we have contact.' Heinz said as the minister nodded in agreement.

'That doesn't sound like a bad idea, it is surely going to help.' The minister replied.

'It is my belief that it will aswell.' Heinz assured.

'Hmm, anyways I heard on the radio on my way here, you have had some success against the Dominion?' The minister asked, wanting to verify.

'That is correct, though there are certain battles still raging as far as I know, so I cannot say anything for certain when it comes to the recent battles I'm afraid, not that I can speak much for certain when it comes to the military either as I am no military man.' Heinz said honestly.

'I understand, atleast hearing the words of success is reassuring as it proves that the Dominion war machine is not invincible.' The minister replied.

'It is not, I can assure you of that, it is also my understanding that you a participating in this war aswell?' Heinz asked.

'Yes we are... Although we don't really offer much up compared to you.' The minister said.

'How did you get dragged into this?' Heinz asked as he was curious.

Defeat Artillery Forces Surrounding Vette

'Over time the amount of dragons we have had under our supervision have disappeared, after a while we ordered Wing Bind to launch an investigation into the matter, when they found out that fullbringers were abducting dragons we decided to fight them, the Dominion warned us that this would result in a war, which we just brushed off under the belief that it was a small group of criminals... We never anticipated that it would be it's own sovereign nation with an army.' The minister said sadly.

Defeat The Artillery Forces Surrounding Vette Bugs

'I see, well not many did actually.' Heinz replied.

'What about you?' The minister asked.

'It was a tournament in the eastern branch actually, the Dominion attacked and attempted to assassinate his majesty, that was when war was formally declared, though there was an incident in Karakura town, Japan, prior where Dominion forces assaulted our fortress there but our army managed to hold them off.' Heinz replied.

'I see, so they attacked you aswell.' The minister replied.

'Yes... Although I am curious, your morale seems to be at an all time low, did something happen?' Heinz asked.

'Yes actually... The Dominion have been using those flying beasts to commit themselves to air raids on outlying regions, aswell as some factories in the city though those are few actually... Regardless they have more flying creatures then we have witches and wizards, we haven't won a single battle in the sky yet and they have bombed and eaten livestock, causing a series of food shortages, though we have some reserves left they are low, if we don't fix the issue soon then the people will surely starve.' The minister said sadly and in deep thought.

'Now that is indeed a problem, a nation can only fight a war if the population is fed otherwise it will be coups and rebellions and the nation will surely fall... The Wandenreich doesn't have that problem due to the modernisation of the farming industry, with so much livestock and massive fields we have more then enough food to feed 16 times our population over the course of 20 years without refilling our storages, meaning a lot of food is going to be thrown so I'm sure we can assist with that.' Heinz said internally.

'I will bring this matter to Silbern, I'm sure we can figure something out once I get my response from them.' Heinz said as newfound light gleamed in the minister's eyes.

'R-really!?.. I do sincerily thank you for bringing it forth, if Silbern agrees then we are surely indebted to you.' The minister said as gratefully as he could.

'Well we'll have to see how Silbern responds, I cannot say for certain how the reponse will be however, now to the matter of the military.' Heinz said as he wanted to get on with that point.

'Uh yes, we do not possess a strong force and massive force like yours but it is a proud one, with only dragons to worry about there haven't really been much need for manpower in the last millenia, but I can assure you that we are trying our utmost to recruit to bolster our forces rapidly.' The minister said.

'I'd beg to differ.' Heinz said as the minister was taken back, wondering what he meant.

'The A.N.U's official report states that Wing Bind is a strong force capable of standing up against the Dominion, their recent failures might be due to military disadvantages and simply that, how you approach the matter, though I cannot say for certain as I am no military man, but the A.N.U seems to have good words regarding Wing Bind.' Heinz said as he took forth a report to show the minister, namely the offical A.N.U report that was delievered to Ichigo and Bambietta, a report Heinz was permitted to show.

Reading through the report the minister was impressed with what he read, he already knew who the witches were from the official report from Wing Bind, and according to the Quincy report even the Quincy supreme command, namely the O.D.K was impressed.

'I see, those are some very kind words, Noel and Ninny are both very capable witches and some of the best the Conservation Rangers has to offer.' The minister said as Heinz took careful note of the names.

'I see, regardless you underestimate your own soldiers, the A.N.U are the best intelligence people we have and they have keen eyes, they wouldn't compliment Wing Bind if they didn't see anything in them.' Heinz assured.

'I do sincerily thank you for the compliment, it gives a bit of ease knowing that another nation thinks as much, I will surely pass it along to the directors.' The minister said gladly.

'Which brings me to my next topic, the Wandenreich is willing to provide military support in the defence of the western branch should it be needed.' Heinz said.

'That was what we were hoping to accomplish actually, we need help, we aren't afraid to admit that and as disgraceful and disrespectful as it is to ask a nation we just opened contact with, we just have no other alternative... I'm sorry.' The minister said.

'Don't be, we have already anticipated as much, truthfully the order has already been given out to two division, 50.000 men in total to assist, accompanied by a few other divisions later on, with defensive equipment and artillery, both has a multi purpose function as ground and air defence, all we need is your permission to deploy them and they will be here in two hours, the first two divisions will each man the defensive equipments, namely 20.000 artillery pieces that functions as ground artillery and anti air artillery, and 30.000 autoballista pieces that functions both as ground and air defence, followed by 150 spotlights to help them see the enemy in the air aswell as a radar, when all divisions have been deployed we expect about 220.000 troops to be stationed here from the Wandenreich aswell as 20.000 flyers, so 200.000 infantry and 20.000 flyers to reinforce you, regretfully we cannot offer anymore then that, however we would appreciate if you fought besides us in the conflict aswell.' Heinz said which surprised the minister greatly.

'I will have to take this to parliament, I am sure they will be just as happy for the assistance you are willing to provide as I am, as for us fighting alongside each other, I see no problem with that at all, if anything we are already in this war, if we may meet later?' The minister asked.

'Of course, I will have to contact Silbern again regarding our talks.' Heinz replied.

'So you will be heading back?' The minister asked.

'I can call them from a phone from here actually, I will call his majesty directly.' Heinz said as the minister looked a bit reassured.

'Then we will offer our best hospitality, please make yourself as comfortable in the city as you like, this can take a while.' The minister replied as Heinz nodded and the meeting concluded.

Silbern Royal Quarters

***Few Moments Later***

After Bambietta had nearly killed Ryuken, he decided to pay Ichigo a visit, he forgot to mention the fact that the injection that paralyzed Ichigo's nerves also made his mind hazy, meaning it was extremly vulnerable to drugs and alcohol and he would react more to it, it was a side effect but rarely viewed as a negative one, originally the injection was only made for surgical proceedures, and usually patients didn't drink during surgeries.

Regardless once the side effects vanished Ichigo began to sober up, though Sabrina had arrived and wanted to greet Ichigo and Bambietta she was quite perplexed to see Ichigo in that state, Ichigo did send some innocent comments on her size though Sabrina didn't really care, she was just dumbfounded by how Ichigo acted and was quite stunned, though all Ichigo did say was that it was weird to think about that he had also been so small and tiny at one point in his life.

Eventually Sabrina and Bambietta went to play for a bit before heading to the doctor for her check up, leaving Ichigo to fall asleep on the bed and sleep off the side effects, so he had fully sobered up when the phone rang, luckily for him, meaning that he could now resume his emperor duties.

'Ahh... Seriously?...' Ichigo complained as he woke up, his head was still spinning, regardless he picked up the phone.

'Hello?.. Ahh Heinz, how is the situation?' Ichigo said into the phone.

Heinz gave an accurate description on the situation in the western branch, and it wasn't pretty but they were willing to accept military aid and did seem to agree with fighting alongside the eastern branch and the Wandenreich, he also forwarded the ideas of embassies and urged Ichigo to create an embassy for the western branch in Silbern.

'I see, a food shortage is dangerous for any nation, we will provide any assistance we can in terms of food and water, as for your embassy request I agree, have them make a delegation to send here, I will send an officer to guide him through the Schatten, I am glad our faith in you was not misplaced Heinz.' Ichigo said.

'I am honored to serve your majesty.' Heinz said through the phone.

'I would like for you to continue your job, offer yourself as the ambassador to the western branch and keep contact with them, if this is not a hinderance for you of course, we can have arranged to have your family brought over if they accept you as the ambassador.' Ichigo said.

'Not at all your majesty, I will gladly accept the position, however given the situation I would prefer for my family to stay in the safety of Silbern if possible.' Heinz said.

'I understand, we will ensure that they have a proper way of contacting you, if you and them decide to move together in reverse London when it is safer then I will personally ensure that they recieve assistance to move.' Ichigo assured.

'Thank you your majesty.' Heinz replied.

'As for the food shortage problem, I will send a list with the commander of the two first reinforcing divisions of how much we can send at first run, I will have to speak with the chancellors first however to get an accurate number.' Ichigo replied.

'Very well, I will relay your response.' Heinz responded.

'Good... Now if you'll excuse me, I've rested for far to long and need to get back to work, good luck.' Ichigo said.

'Thank you your majesty, I hope you get well soon.' Heinz said as the phone call ended, leaving Ichigo to stand up, taking his cane and limping to his office, clearly in a bit of pain in his leg as he supported himself on the cane that was the sealed Zangetsu blades.

Silbern Infirmary

While Ichigo was on the phone, Bambietta had taken her sister down to the infirmary for a medical check-up, she said to her parents that she could do this as Ernst and Ausilia were both working and that it was fine.

'Mhm, well you have gotten enough food, but you are still too short as you haven't grown much, but then again that could change soon, anyways the good news is you are perfectly healthy, your immune system seems to have gotten back up and you have a lot of energy from what I hear.' The doctor said smilingly as Sabrina blushed.

'You hear that, you are perfectly healthy.' Bambietta said as she looked at Sabrina who happily nodded.

'However it has been brought to our attention that she isn't vaccinated lady Bambietta, atleast not according to her health journal.' The doctor said as he looked at Bambietta, leaving Sabrina to wonder what he was speaking of, she didn't know what vaccines were.

'I'm not sure, mommy and daddy never mentioned anything regarding that, they did vaccinate me, I know that but haven't heard about anything regarding Sabrina.' Bambietta responded.

'I see, if you could bring this up to your parents and have them come down here so we can get a picture of her vaccinations then that would be great.' The doctor said.

'I will.' Bambietta said as the check-up concluded,

Having gotten a paper regarding Sabrina's healthy condition to show her parents aswell as some concerns from the doctor regarding vaccines they were unaware of whether she had taken or not, they left to wait for her parents up in the royal quarters later, they decided to watch a disney movie that Sabrina liked, namely Bambi, much to Bambietta's annoyance as Sabrina kept refering to Bambietta as a deer.

To be continued

A/N: So the battle of Mutsu ended up in another Quincy victory, the Quincy war machine is powerful, but the situation in the Seireitei is dire, how will that battle end?

Yes I mentioned it before, the Quincy military is a massive force, primarily because of how Quincies learn about their abilities from a young age, meaning recruiting is easy for them, especially if you can mass recruit and get a number quickly by utilizing the schatten due to time differences, aswell as the industrial capability is massive for obvious reasons.

Defeat The Artillery Forces Surrounding Vette Buggy

We have also had a close look on the engineers for once, the backbone of the Wandenreich armed forces, a vital force at that too.

Fun Fact: The climbing gear the engineers are using is utilized because they are unable to fly in the spiritual world, they are unable to use the vollstandig, however their climbing gear wasn't invented by me, it was extremly inspired by the O.D.M gear from Attack on Titan, I have been watching that anime recently and I really liked it, but no crossovers to that one, I want to maintain a strict bleach world in this story, I might do a crossover (MAYBE) in another story linked to this universe, but that will be a different story and the aftermath most likely, by several years if not thousands.