Astronomy Image Processing Software For Mac

Lynkeos is a Cocoa (Mac OS X) application dedicated to the processing of astronomical (mainly planetary) images taken with a webcam through a telescope. It runs on Intel Macintoshes. It is optimized for vectorized instructions sets (SSE) and for multi-processor and multi-core machines. Sequator is an easy-to-use and intuitive astrophotography software for stacking both starry landscape and deep-sky images. It can also be used to create star trails. While not as advanced as other stackers, it nonetheless allows you to calibrate your light frames with dark and flat calibration frames. Advanced Image Processing Software for Astrophotography. StarTools is a powerful new type of image processing engine. It tracks your signal's noise component as you process. The result is cleaner images, more detail, ease of use, and unique advanced post-processing power compared to any other software. RegiStax 6 moving forward The development team worked hard and has tested many new versions. One of the most recent developments has been that we have now prepared the code to work also under multi-core environments which can speed up processing a great deal.

Version 5.53 click here (FITS 48 bits support,..)

Version 5.52 click here (automatic astrometry / cartography)

Version 5.50 click here (sky cartographic projections)

Version 5.41 click here (background sky removal, ..)


Version 5.40 click here (improved remote control of DSRL)


Version 5.34 click here (new deblurring tools.)

Version 5.33 click here (contrast adjustment, ..)

Version 5.32 click here ( improved support of RAW files, ..)

Version 5.31 click here (special solar eclipses, ..)

Version 5.30 click here (fisheye images processing, ..)

Version 5.20 click here (registration, ..)

Version 5.00 click here (remote control DSLR, batch mode, ..)

Version 4.37 click here (gradient removal, ..)

Version 4.34 click here (autoguiding, virtual equatorial, ..)

Version 4.30 click here (distorsion correction of optics, ..)

Version 4.21 click here (sun chromosphere processing, ..)

Version 4.20 click here (interactive registration, ..)

Version 4.19 click here (Akira Fuji effet, …)

Version 4.18 click here (support of new DSLR, ..)

Version 4.17 click here (interactive files selection, ..)

Version 4.16 click here (hot pixels removal, ..)

Version 4.15 click here (improved true colors image, ..)

Version 4.14 click here (noise removal, ..) Download bluestacks macbook air.

Version 4.10 click here (new DSRL ..)

Version 4.00 click here (Lucy-Richardson, …)

Version 3.83 click here (optimal stacking, ..).

Version 3.81 click here (Scan to pic command, ..).

Version 3.80 click here (Webcam synchro function).

Version 3.72 click here (camera support).

Version 3.71 click here(improved webcam functions).

Version 3.70 click here (distortion correction)

Version 3.60 click here (spectra processing)

Version 3.54 click here (field rotation compensation,…)

Obs for el capitan download. Version 3.53 click here (improved automatic photometry, ..)

These are some of the programs I use or have tried and recommend:

Astronomy Image Processing Software Free

  • WcCtrl: helps to control the settings of several webcam models (freeware).
  • WcRmac: edits the firmware of several webcam models (freeware).
  • SkyChart: Sky map (freeware).
  • AutoStar Suite: Sky map from Meade.
  • Messier Marathon: generates a list of Messier objects visibles from your location (freeware).
  • NGC Observer: generates a list of objects from several catalogs (Messier, NGC, etc.) visibles from your location.
  • AstroPlanner: observation planner, much more more sophisticated than the previous. Free version with some limitations.
  • Bahtinov Grabbber: helps focusing using a Bahtinov mask (freeware).
  • EQAlign: scope polar aligning, periodic error analysis and autoguiding (freeware).
  • Desire: long exposure imaging with modified webcams (freeware).
  • K3CCDTools: photo and video acquisition, planetary image processing (freeware version). See my image processing video tutorial using this software.
  • Envisage: image acquisition, calibration, aligning and stacking for Meade DSI cameras.
  • MaxIm DL: image acquisition, calibration, aligning, stacking and post-processing.
  • DeepSkyStacker: image calibration, aligning and stacking specific for deep space astrophotography. See my image processing video tutorial using this software.
  • RegiStax: image calibration, aligning and stacking specific for planetary astrophotography. It can also be used for deep space astrophotography (freeware).
  • IMerge: makes astrophotography mosaics (freeware).
  • Focus magic: improves images focusing and contrast.
  • PixInsight LE: image post-processing (freeware version).
Other software quite popular but which I have not tested yet:

Astro Image Processing Software

  • Photoshop: image post-processing.
  • Iris: image calibration, aligning, stacking and post-processing. (freeware).