Install Procedural Option Oracle

Complete this procedure to install Oracle Grid Infrastructure software for Oracle Domain Services Cluster.

  1. Install Procedural Option Oracle Sql
  2. Install Procedural Option Oracle Vm
  3. Install Procedural Option Oracle Tutorial
  4. Options Oracle Software
  • See pypug:Installing pip/setuptools/wheel with Linux Package Managers in the Python Packaging User Guide. Here are ways to contact a few Linux package maintainers if you run into problems: Deadsnakes PPA. Debian Python Team (for general issues related to apt). Red Hat Bugzilla. Pip developers do not have control over how Linux distributions handle pip installations, and are unable to provide.
  • The table below describes the LIBNAME options for SAS/ACCESS Interface to Oracle, with the applicable default values. This table also identifies LIBNAME options that are valid in the CONNECT statement in the SQL procedure.For more information, see LIBNAME Options for Relational Databases.

What option describes the correct procedure to: 1) create a new BE named nowBE 2) install the software to that new BE only. Pkg install –newBE openldap. Pkg install –be-nama newBE openldap C. Beadm create newBEbeadm mount newBE /mntpkg -R /mnt update openldap D. Beadm create newBEbeadm activate newBEpkg install openldap. Microsoft SQL Server. To select this database type, an instance of SQL Server should be already configured. To configure Enterprise Control Room and Bot Insight database on Oracle instance, select this option and browse for the Oracle v12.1.0.2 JDBC driver on your local machine. Installing Oracle Version 12c. Once the installation files have been unzipped, you can proceed with installing Oracle Version 12c. Go to “ locationofinstallfiles win3212201client client32” and double-click on the “setup.exe” file located there. (In our example, the location is “C: Install win3212201client client32”.

Starting with Oracle Grid Infrastructure 12c Release 2 (12.2), the installation media is replaced with a zip file for the Oracle Grid Infrastructure installer. Run the installation wizard after extracting the zip file into the target home path.

At any time during installation, if you have a question about what you are being asked to do, or what input you are required to provide during installation, click the Help button on the installer page.

You should have your network information, storage information, and operating system users and groups available to you before you start installation, and you should be prepared to run root scripts.

As the user that owns the software for Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a cluster (grid) on the first node, install Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a cluster. Note that the installer uses Secure Shell (SSH) to copy the binary files from this node to the other nodes during the installation. During installation, in the Cluster Node Information window, when you specify the nodes in your cluster, you can click SSH Connectivity and the installer configures SSH connectivity between the specified nodes for you.


These installation instructions assume you do not already have any Oracle software installed on your system.

To install the software for Oracle Domain Services Cluster:

  1. As the grid user, download the Oracle Grid Infrastructure image files and extract the files into the Grid home. For example: is the name of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure image zip file. For example, on Linux systems, the name of the Oracle Grid Infrastructure image zip file is


    • You must extract the zip image software into the directory where you want your Grid home to be located.

    • Download and copy the Oracle Grid Infrastructure image files to the local node only. During installation, the software is copied and installed on all other nodes in the cluster.

  2. Log in as the grid user, and start the Oracle Grid Infrastructure installer by running the following command:
    The installer starts and the Select Configuration Option window appears.
  3. Choose the option Configure Grid Infrastructure for a New Cluster, then click Next.
  4. Choose the option Configure an Oracle Domain Services Cluster, then click Next.
    The Grid Plug and Play Information window appears.
  5. In the Cluster Name and SCAN Name fields, enter the names for your cluster and cluster scan that are unique throughout your entire enterprise network.

    You can select Configure GNS if you have configured your domain name server (DNS) to send to the GNS virtual IP address name resolution requests for the subdomain GNS serves, as explained in this guide.

    For cluster member node public and VIP network addresses, provide the information required depending on the kind of cluster you are configuring:

    • If you plan to use automatic cluster configuration with DHCP addresses configured and resolved through GNS, then you only need to provide the GNS VIP names as configured on your DNS.

    • If you plan to use manual cluster configuration, with fixed IP addresses configured and resolved on your DNS, then provide the SCAN names for the cluster, and the public names, and VIP names for each cluster member node. For example, you can choose a name that is based on the node names' common prefix. This example uses the cluster name mycluster and the cluster SCAN name of mycluster-scan.

    The Cluster Node Information screen appears.
  6. In the Public Hostname column of the table of cluster nodes, you should see your local node, for example

    The following is a list of additional information about node IP addresses:

    • For the local node only, OUI automatically fills in public and VIP fields. If your system uses vendor clusterware, then OUI may fill additional fields.

    • Host names and virtual host names are not domain-qualified. If you provide a domain in the address field during installation, then OUI removes the domain from the address.

    • Interfaces identified as private for private IP addresses should not be accessible as public interfaces. Using public interfaces for Cache Fusion can cause performance problems.

    • When you enter the public node name, use the primary host name of each node. In other words, use the name displayed by the /bin/hostname command.

    1. Click Add to add another node to the cluster.
    2. Enter the second node's public name (node2), and virtual IP name (node2-vip), then click OK.
      You are returned to the Cluster Node Information window. You should now see all nodes listed in the table of cluster nodes. Make sure the Role column is set to HUB for both nodes. To add Leaf Nodes, you must configure GNS.
    3. Make sure all nodes are selected, then click the SSH Connectivity button at the bottom of the window.
      The bottom panel of the window displays the SSH Connectivity information.
    4. Enter the operating system user name and password for the Oracle software owner (grid). Select the option If you have configured SSH connectivity between the nodes, then select the Reuse private and public keys existing in user home option. Click Setup.
      A message window appears, indicating that it might take several minutes to configure SSH connectivity between the nodes. After a short period, another message window appears indicating that passwordless SSH connectivity has been established between the cluster nodes. Click OK to continue.
    5. When returned to the Cluster Node Information window, click Next to continue.
  7. Select the usage type for each network interface displayed.
    Verify that each interface has the correct interface type associated with it. If you have network interfaces that should not be used by Oracle Clusterware, then set the network interface type to Do Not Use. For example, if you have only two network interfaces, then set the public interface to have a Use For value of Public and set the private network interface to have a Use For value of ASM & Private.
    Click Next. The Create ASM Disk Group window appears.
  8. Provide the name and specifications for the Oracle ASM disk group.
    1. In the Disk Group Name field, enter a name for the disk group, for example DATA.
    2. Choose the Redundancy level for this disk group. Normal is the recommended option.
    3. In the Add Disks section, choose the disks to add to this disk group.
    When you have finished providing the information for the disk group, click Next.
    The Grid Infrastructure Management Repository Option window appears
  9. Provide the name and specifications for the GIMR disk group.
    1. In the Disk Group Name field, enter a name for the disk group, for example DATA1.
    2. Choose the Redundancy level for this disk group. Normal is the recommended option.
    3. In the Add Disks section, choose the disks to add to this disk group.
    4. Select the Configure Rapid Home Provisioning Server option to configure a Rapid Home Provisioning Server as part of the Oracle Domain Services Cluster. Rapid Home Provisioning enables you to install clusters, and provision, patch, and upgrade Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Database homes.
    When you have finished providing the information for the disk group, click Next.
  10. Choose the same password for the Oracle ASM SYS and ASMSNMP account, or specify different passwords for each account, then click Next.
    The Failure Isolation Support window appears.
  11. Select the option Do not use Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI), then click Next.
  12. If you have Enterprise Manager Cloud Control installed in your enterprise, then choose the option Register with Enterprise Manager (EM) Cloud Control and provide the EM configuration information. If you do not have Enterprise Manager Cloud Control installed in your enterprise, then click Next to continue.
    You can manage Oracle Grid Infrastructure and Oracle Automatic Storage Management (Oracle ASM) using Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control. To register the Oracle Grid Infrastructure cluster with Oracle Enterprise Manager, ensure that Oracle Management Agent is installed and running on all nodes of the cluster.
    The Privileged Operating System Groups window appears.
  13. Accept the default operating system group names for Oracle ASM administration and click Next.
  14. Specify the directory to use for the Oracle base for the Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation, then click Next. The Oracle base directory must be different from the Oracle home directory.
    If you copied the Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation files into the Oracle Grid home directory as directed in Step 1, then the default location for the Oracle base directory should display as /u01/app/grid.
    If you have not installed Oracle software previously on this computer, then the Create Inventory window appears.
  15. Change the path for the inventory directory, if required. Then, click Next.
    If you are using the same directory names as the examples in this book, then it should show a value of /u01/app/oraInventory. The group name for the oraInventory directory should show oinstall.
    The Root Script Execution Configuration window appears.
  16. Select the option to Automatically run configuration scripts. Enter the credentials for the root user or a sudo account, then click Next.
    Alternatively, you can Run the scripts manually as the root user at the end of the installation process when prompted by the installer.
  17. If any of the checks have a status of Failed and are not Fixable, then you must manually correct these issues. After you have fixed the issue, you can click the Check Again button to have the installer recheck the requirement and update the status. Repeat as needed until all the checks have a status of Succeeded. Click Next.

    The Summary window appears.

  18. Review the contents of the Summary window and then click Install.
    The installer displays a progress indicator enabling you to monitor the installation process.
  19. If you did not configure automation of the root scripts, then you are required to run certain scripts as the root user, as specified in the Execute Configuration Scripts window appears. Do not click OK until you have run the scripts. Run the scripts on all nodes as directed, in the order shown.

    For example, on Oracle Linux you perform the following steps (note that for clarity, the examples show the current user, node and directory in the prompt):

    1. As the oracle user on node1, open a terminal window, and enter the following commands:

    2. Enter the password for the root user, and then enter the following command to run the first script on node1:

    3. After the script finishes on node1, open another terminal window, and as the oracle user, enter the following commands:

    4. Enter the password for the root user, and then enter the following command to run the first script on node2:

    5. After the script finishes on node2, go to the terminal window you opened in part a of this step. As the root user on node1, enter the following commands to run the second script,

      Press Enter at the prompt to accept the default value.


      You must run the script on the first node and wait for it to finish. f your cluster has three or more nodes, then can be run concurrently on all nodes but the first. Node numbers are assigned according to the order of running If you want to create a particular node number assignment, then run the root scripts in the order of the node assignments you want to make, and wait for the script to finish running on each node before proceeding to run the script on the next node. However, Oracle system identifier, or SID, for your Oracle RAC databases, do not follow the node numbers.

    6. After the script finishes on node1, go to the terminal window you opened in part c of this step. As the root user on node2, enter the following commands:

      After the script completes, return to the OUI window where the Installer prompted you to run the and scripts. Click OK.

      The software installation monitoring window reappears.

    When you run during Oracle Grid Infrastructure installation, the Trace File Analyzer (TFA) Collector is also installed in the directory.grid_home/tfa.

  20. After runs on all the nodes, OUI runs Net Configuration Assistant (netca) and Cluster Verification Utility. These programs run without user intervention.
  21. During the installation, Oracle Automatic Storage Management Configuration Assistant (asmca) configures Oracle ASM for storage.
  22. Continue monitoring the installation until the Finish window appears. Then click Close to complete the installation process and exit the installer.


After installation is complete, do not remove manually or run cron jobs that remove /tmp/.oracle or /var/tmp/.oracle directories or their files while Oracle software is running on the server. If you remove these files, then the Oracle software can encounter intermittent hangs. Oracle Clusterware installations can fail with the error:

CRS-0184: Cannot communicate with the CRS daemon.

After your Oracle Domain Services Cluster installation is complete, you can install Oracle Member Clusters for Oracle Databases and Oracle Member Clusters for Applications.

Parent topic:Installing Oracle Grid Infrastructure for a New Cluster

Table of Contents

2.1. Installing on Windows Hosts
2.1.1. Prerequisites
2.1.2. Performing the Installation
2.1.3. Uninstallation
2.1.4. Unattended Installation
2.1.5. Public Properties
2.2. Installing on Mac OS X Hosts
2.2.1. Performing the Installation
2.2.2. Uninstallation
2.2.3. Unattended Installation
2.3. Installing on Linux Hosts
2.3.1. Prerequisites
2.3.2. The Oracle VM VirtualBox Kernel Modules
2.3.3. Performing the Installation
2.3.4. The vboxusers Group
2.3.5. Starting Oracle VM VirtualBox on Linux
2.4. Installing on Oracle Solaris Hosts
2.4.1. Performing the Installation
2.4.2. The vboxuser Group
2.4.3. Starting Oracle VM VirtualBox on Oracle Solaris
2.4.4. Uninstallation
2.4.5. Unattended Installation
2.4.6. Configuring a Zone for Running Oracle VM VirtualBox

As installation of Oracle VM VirtualBox varies depending on your host operating system, the following sections provide installation instructions for Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Oracle Solaris.

For the various versions of Windows that are supported as host operating systems, please refer to Section 1.4, “Supported Host Operating Systems”.

In addition, Windows Installer must be present on your system. This should be the case for all supported Windows platforms.

The Oracle VM VirtualBox installation can be started in either of the following ways:

  • By double-clicking on the executable file.

  • By entering the following command:

    This will extract the installer into a temporary directory, along with the .MSI file. Run the following command to perform the installation:

Using either way displays the installation Welcome dialog and enables you to choose where to install Oracle VM VirtualBox, and which components to install. In addition to the Oracle VM VirtualBox application, the following components are available:

  • USB support. This package contains special drivers for your Windows host that Oracle VM VirtualBox requires to fully support USB devices inside your virtual machines.

  • Networking. This package contains extra networking drivers for your Windows host that Oracle VM VirtualBox needs to support Bridged Networking. This enables your VM's virtual network cards to be accessed from other machines on your physical network.

  • Python support. This package contains Python scripting support for the Oracle VM VirtualBox API, see Chapter 11, Oracle VM VirtualBox Programming Interfaces. For this to work, an already working Windows Python installation on the system is required.

    See, for example:


    Python version at least 2.6 is required. Python 3 is also supported.

Depending on your Windows configuration, you may see warnings about unsigned drivers, or similar. Click Continue for these warnings, as otherwise Oracle VM VirtualBox might not function correctly after installation.

The installer will create an Oracle VM VirtualBox group in the Windows Start menu, which enables you to launch the application and access its documentation.

With standard settings, Oracle VM VirtualBox will be installed for all users on the local system. If this is not wanted, you must invoke the installer by first extracting as follows:

Then, run either of the following commands on the extracted .MSI file. This will install Oracle VM VirtualBox only for the current user.

If you do not want to install all features of Oracle VM VirtualBox, you can set the optional ADDLOCAL parameter to explicitly name the features to be installed. The following features are available:


Main binaries of Oracle VM VirtualBox.



This feature must not be absent, since it contains the minimum set of files to have working Oracle VM VirtualBox installation.


USB support.

Options oracle software

All networking support. This includes the VBoxNetworkFlt and VBoxNetworkAdp features.


Bridged networking support.


Host-only networking support


Python support

For example, to only install USB support along with the main binaries, run either of the following commands:

The user is able to choose between NDIS5 and NDIS6 host network filter drivers during the installation. This is done using a command line parameter, NETWORKTYPE. The NDIS6 driver is the default for most supported Windows hosts. For some legacy Windows versions, the installer will automatically select the NDIS5 driver and this cannot be changed.

You can force an install of the legacy NDIS5 host network filter driver by specifying NETWORKTYPE=NDIS5. For example, to install the NDIS5 driver on Windows 7 use either of the following commands:

As Oracle VM VirtualBox uses the standard Microsoft Windows installer, Oracle VM VirtualBox can be safely uninstalled at any time. Click the program entry in the Add/Remove Programs list in the Windows Control Panel.

Unattended installations can be performed using the standard MSI support.

Public properties can be specified with the MSI API, to control additional behavior and features of the Windows host installer. Use either of the following commands:

The following public properties are available.


    Specifies whether or not an Oracle VM VirtualBox icon on the desktop should be created.

    Set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable. Default is 1.


    Specifies whether or not an Oracle VM VirtualBox icon in the Quick Launch Bar should be created.

    Set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable. Default is 1.


    Specifies whether or not the file extensions .vbox, .vbox-extpack, .ovf, .ova, .vdi, .vmdk, .vhd and .vdd should be associated with Oracle VM VirtualBox. Files of these types then will be opened with Oracle VM VirtualBox.

    Set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable. Default is 1.


    Specifies whether to start Oracle VM VirtualBox right after successful installation.

    Set to 1 to enable, 0 to disable. Default is 1.

For Mac OS X hosts, Oracle VM VirtualBox ships in a dmg disk image file. Perform the following steps to install on a Mac OS X host:

  1. Double-click on the dmg file, to mount the contents.

  2. A window opens, prompting you to double-click on the VirtualBox.pkg installer file displayed in that window.

  3. This starts the installer, which enables you to select where to install Oracle VM VirtualBox.

  4. An Oracle VM VirtualBox icon is added to the Applications folder in the Finder.

To uninstall Oracle VM VirtualBox, open the disk image dmg file and double-click on the uninstall icon shown.

To perform a non-interactive installation of Oracle VM VirtualBox you can use the command line version of the installer application.

Mount the dmg disk image file, as described in the installation procedure, or use the following command line:

Open a terminal session and run the following command:

For the various versions of Linux that are supported as host operating systems, see Section 1.4, “Supported Host Operating Systems”.

You may need to install the following packages on your Linux system before starting the installation. Some systems will do this for you automatically when you install Oracle VM VirtualBox.

  • Qt 5.3.2 or later. Qt 5.6.2 or later is recommended.

  • SDL 1.2.7 or later. This graphics library is typically called libsdl or similar.


These packages are only required if you want to run the Oracle VM VirtualBox graphical user interfaces. In particular, VirtualBox, the graphical VirtualBox Manager, requires both Qt and SDL. If you only want to run VBoxHeadless, neither Qt nor SDL are required.

In order to run other operating systems in virtual machines alongside your main operating system, Oracle VM VirtualBox needs to integrate very tightly with your system. To do this it installs a driver module called vboxdrv into the system kernel. The kernel is the part of the operating system which controls your processor and physical hardware. Without this kernel module, you can still use the VirtualBox Manager to configure virtual machines, but they will not start.

Network drivers called vboxnetflt and vboxnetadp are also installed. They enable virtual machines to make more use of your computer's network capabilities and are needed for any virtual machine networking beyond the basic NAT mode.

Since distributing driver modules separately from the kernel is not something which Linux supports well, the Oracle VM VirtualBox install process creates the modules on the system where they will be used. This means that you may need to install some software packages from the distribution which are needed for the build process. Required packages may include the following:

  • GNU compiler (GCC)

  • GNU Make (make)

  • Kernel header files

Also ensure that all system updates have been installed and that your system is running the most up-to-date kernel for the distribution.


The running kernel and the kernel header files must be updated to matching versions.

The following list includes some details of the required files for some common distributions. Start by finding the version name of your kernel, using the command uname -r in a terminal. The list assumes that you have not changed too much from the original installation, in particular that you have not installed a different kernel type.

  • With Debian and Ubuntu-based distributions, you must install the correct version of the linux-headers, usually whichever of linux-headers-generic, linux-headers-amd64, linux-headers-i686 or linux-headers-i686-pae best matches the kernel version name. Also, the linux-kbuild package if it exists. Basic Ubuntu releases should have the correct packages installed by default.

  • On Fedora, Red Hat, Oracle Linux and many other RPM-based systems, the kernel version sometimes has a code of letters or a word close to the end of the version name. For example 'uek' for the Oracle Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel or 'default' or 'desktop' for the standard kernels. In this case, the package name is kernel-uek-devel or equivalent. If there is no such code, it is usually kernel-devel.

  • On some SUSE and openSUSE Linux versions, you may need to install the kernel-source and kernel-syms packages.

If you suspect that something has gone wrong with module installation, check that your system is set up as described above and try running the following command, as root:

If you are running on a system using UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) Secure Boot, you may need to sign the following kernel modules before you can load them:

  • vboxdrv

  • vboxnetadp

  • vboxnetflt

  • vboxpci

See your system documentation for details of the kernel module signing process.

Oracle VM VirtualBox is available in a number of package formats native to various common Linux distributions. See Section 1.4, “Supported Host Operating Systems”. In addition, there is an alternative generic installer (.run) which you can use on supported Linux distributions. Installing Oracle VM VirtualBox from a Debian or Ubuntu Package

Download the appropriate package for your distribution. The following example assumes that you are installing to a 64-bit Ubuntu Xenial system. Use dpkg to install the Debian package,as follows:

The installer will also try to build kernel modules suitable for the current running kernel. If the build process is not successful you will be shown a warning and the package will be left unconfigured. Look at /var/log/vbox-install.log to find out why the compilation failed. You may have to install the appropriate Linux kernel headers, see Section 2.3.2, “The Oracle VM VirtualBox Kernel Modules”. After correcting any problems, run the following command:

This will start a second attempt to build the module.

If a suitable kernel module was found in the package or the module was successfully built, the installation script will attempt to load that module. If this fails, please see Section 12.7.1, “Linux Kernel Module Refuses to Load” for further information.

Once Oracle VM VirtualBox has been successfully installed and configured, you can start it by clicking VirtualBox in your Start menu or from the command line. See Section 2.3.5, “Starting Oracle VM VirtualBox on Linux”. Using the Alternative Generic Installer (

The alternative generic installer performs the following steps:

  • Unpacks the application files to the target directory /opt/VirtualBox/, which cannot be changed.

  • Builds and installs the Oracle VM VirtualBox kernel modules: vboxdrv, vboxnetflt, and vboxnetadp.

  • Creates /sbin/rcvboxdrv, an init script to start the Oracle VM VirtualBox kernel module.

  • Creates a new system group called vboxusers.

  • Creates symbolic links in /usr/bin to a shell script /opt/VirtualBox/VBox which does some sanity checks and dispatches to the actual executables: VirtualBox, VBoxVRDP, VBoxHeadless and VBoxManage.

  • Creates /etc/udev/rules.d/60-vboxdrv.rules, a description file for udev, if that is present, which makes the USB devices accessible to all users in the vboxusers group.

  • Writes the installation directory to /etc/vbox/vbox.cfg.

The installer must be executed as root with either install or uninstall as the first parameter. For example:

Or if you do not have the sudo command available, run the following as root instead:

Add every user who needs to access USB devices from a VirtualBox guests to the group vboxusers. Either use the OS user management tools or run the following command as root:


The usermod command of some older Linux distributions does not support the -a option, which adds the user to the given group without affecting membership of other groups. In this case, find out the current group memberships with the groups command and add all these groups in a comma-separated list to the command line after the -G option. For example: usermod -G group1,group2,vboxusers username.

If you cannot use the shell script installer described in Section, “Using the Alternative Generic Installer (”, you can perform a manual installation. Run the installer as follows:

This will unpack all the files needed for installation in the directory install under the current directory. The Oracle VM VirtualBox application files are contained in VirtualBox.tar.bz2 which you can unpack to any directory on your system. For example:

To run the same example as root, use the following commands:

The sources for Oracle VM VirtualBox's kernel module are provided in the src directory. To build the module, change to the directory and use the following command:

If everything builds correctly, run the following command to install the module to the appropriate module directory:

In case you do not have sudo, switch the user account to root and run the following command:

The Oracle VM VirtualBox kernel module needs a device node to operate. The above make command will tell you how to create the device node, depending on your Linux system. The procedure is slightly different for a classical Linux setup with a /dev directory, a system with the now deprecated devfs and a modern Linux system with udev.

On certain Linux distributions, you might experience difficulties building the module. You will have to analyze the error messages from the build system to diagnose the cause of the problems. In general, make sure that the correct Linux kernel sources are used for the build process.

Note that the /dev/vboxdrv kernel module device node must be owned by root:root and must be read/writable only for the user.

Next, you install the system initialization script for the kernel module and activate the initialization script using the right method for your distribution, as follows:

This example assumes you installed Oracle VM VirtualBox to the /opt/VirtualBox directory.

Create a configuration file for Oracle VM VirtualBox, as follows:

Create the following symbolic links: Updating and Uninstalling Oracle VM VirtualBox

Before updating or uninstalling Oracle VM VirtualBox, you must terminate any virtual machines which are currently running and exit the Oracle VM VirtualBox or VBoxSVC applications. To update Oracle VM VirtualBox, simply run the installer of the updated version. To uninstall Oracle VM VirtualBox, run the installer as follows:

As root, you can use the following command:

You can uninstall the .run package as follows:

To manually uninstall Oracle VM VirtualBox, perform the manual installation steps in reverse order. Automatic Installation of Debian Packages

The Debian packages will request some user feedback when installed for the first time. Android emulator mac m1 chip. The debconf system is used to perform this task. To prevent any user interaction during installation, default values can be defined. A file vboxconf can contain the following debconf settings:

The first line enables compilation of the vboxdrv kernel module if no module was found for the current kernel. The second line enables the package to delete any old vboxdrv kernel modules compiled by previous installations.

These default settings can be applied prior to the installation of the Oracle VM VirtualBox Debian package, as follows:

In addition there are some common configuration options that can be set prior to the installation. See Section, “Automatic Installation Options”.

The RPM format does not provide a configuration system comparable to the debconf system. See Section, “Automatic Installation Options” for how to set some common installation options provided by Oracle VM VirtualBox.

To configure the installation process for .deb and .rpm packages, you can create a response file named /etc/default/virtualbox. The automatic generation of the udev rule can be prevented with the following setting:

The creation of the group vboxusers can be prevented as follows:

If the following line is specified, the package installer will not try to build the vboxdrv kernel module if no module fitting the current kernel was found.

The Linux installers create the system user group vboxusers during installation. Any system user who is going to use USB devices from Oracle VM VirtualBox guests must be a member of that group. A user can be made a member of the group vboxusers either by using the desktop user and group tools, or with the following command:

The easiest way to start an Oracle VM VirtualBox program is by running the program of your choice (VirtualBox, VBoxManage, or VBoxHeadless) from a terminal. These are symbolic links to that start the required program for you.

Install Procedural Option Oracle Sql

The following detailed instructions should only be of interest if you wish to execute Oracle VM VirtualBox without installing it first. You should start by compiling the vboxdrv kernel module and inserting it into the Linux kernel. Oracle VM VirtualBox consists of a service daemon, VBoxSVC, and several application programs. The daemon is automatically started if necessary. All Oracle VM VirtualBox applications will communicate with the daemon through UNIX local domain sockets. There can be multiple daemon instances under different user accounts and applications can only communicate with the daemon running under the user account as the application. The local domain socket resides in a subdirectory of your system's directory for temporary files called .vbox-<username>-ipc. In case of communication problems or server startup problems, you may try to remove this directory.

All Oracle VM VirtualBox applications (VirtualBox, VBoxManage, and VBoxHeadless) require the Oracle VM VirtualBox directory to be in the library path, as follows:

For the specific versions of Oracle Solaris that are supported as host operating systems, see Section 1.4, “Supported Host Operating Systems”.

If you have a previously installed instance of Oracle VM VirtualBox on your Oracle Solaris host, please uninstall it first before installing a new instance. See Section 2.4.4, “Uninstallation” for uninstall instructions.

Oracle VM VirtualBox is available as a standard Oracle Solaris package. Download the Oracle VM VirtualBox SunOS package, which includes the 64-bit version of Oracle VM VirtualBox. The installation must be performed as root and from the global zone. This is because the Oracle VM VirtualBox installer loads kernel drivers, which cannot be done from non-global zones. To verify which zone you are currently in, execute the zonename command.

Install Procedural Option Oracle

To start installation, run the following commands:

The Oracle VM VirtualBox kernel package is integrated into the main package. Install the Oracle VM VirtualBox package as follows:

The installer will then prompt you to enter the package you wish to install. Choose 1 or all and proceed. Next the installer will ask you if you want to allow the postinstall script to be executed. Choose y and proceed, as it is essential to execute this script which installs the Oracle VM VirtualBox kernel module. Following this confirmation the installer will install Oracle VM VirtualBox and execute the postinstall setup script.

Once the postinstall script has been executed your installation is now complete. You may now safely delete the uncompressed package and autoresponse files from your system. Oracle VM VirtualBox is installed in /opt/VirtualBox.


If you need to use Oracle VM VirtualBox from non-global zones, see Section 2.4.6, “Configuring a Zone for Running Oracle VM VirtualBox”.

The installer creates the system user group vboxuser during installation for Oracle Solaris hosts that support the USB features required by Oracle VM VirtualBox. Any system user who is going to use USB devices from Oracle VM VirtualBox guests must be a member of this group. A user can be made a member of this group either by using the desktop user and group tools or by running the following command as root:

Note that adding an active user to the vboxuser group will require the user to log out and then log in again. This should be done manually after successful installation of the package.

2.4.3. Starting Oracle VM VirtualBox on Oracle Solaris

The easiest way to start an Oracle VM VirtualBox program is by running the program of your choice (VirtualBox, VBoxManage, or VBoxHeadless) from a terminal. These are symbolic links to that start the required program for you.

Alternatively, you can directly invoke the required programs from /opt/VirtualBox. Using the links provided is easier as you do not have to enter the full path.

You can configure some elements of the VirtualBox Qt GUI, such as fonts and colours, by running VBoxQtconfig from the terminal.

Uninstallation of Oracle VM VirtualBox on Oracle Solaris requires root permissions. To perform the uninstallation, start a root terminal session and run the following command:

After confirmation, this will remove Oracle VM VirtualBox from your system. Lockdown browser download canvas.

To perform a non-interactive installation of Oracle VM VirtualBox there is a response file named autoresponse. The installer uses this for responses to inputs, rather than prompting the user.

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Extract the tar.gz package as described in Section 2.4.1, “Performing the Installation”. Then open a root terminal session and run the following command:

To perform a non-interactive uninstallation, open a root terminal session and run the following command:

2.4.6. Configuring a Zone for Running Oracle VM VirtualBox

Assuming that Oracle VM VirtualBox has already been installed into your zone, you need to give the zone access to Oracle VM VirtualBox's device node. This is done by performing the following steps. Start a root terminal and run the following command:

Replace vboxzone with the name of the zone where you intend to run Oracle VM VirtualBox.

Use zonecfg to add the device resource and match properties to the zone, as follows:

On Oracle Solaris 11 or later, you may also add a device for /dev/vboxusbmon, similar to that shown above.

Install Procedural Option Oracle Tutorial

If you are not using sparse root zones, you will need to loopback mount /opt/VirtualBox from the global zone into the non-global zone at the same path. This is specified below using the dir attribute and the special attribute. For example:

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Reboot the zone using zoneadm and you should be able to run Oracle VM VirtualBox from within the configured zone.