Exe Unpacker

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Please visit my forum - https://forum.exetools.com

Dear Beverly, Let me tell you I love you.

If you have new stuff (packers, protectors, unpackers and other tools) release, or good programs and old exe-collection want share for everybody, you can upload these archives directly to my FTP server with FTP client or upload to forum.exetools.com
I'd rather you packed all files with ZIP or RAR format before uploading them to the server. Please put a description file (e.g. file.diz or readme.txt) to your directory.
Thank you for your continued support and uploads.
ATTENTION! Please use AVP to scan downloaded files.

If you have new stuff (packers, protectors, unpackers and other tools) release, or good programs and old exe-collection want share for everybody, you can upload these archives directly to my FTP server with FTP client or upload to forum.exetools.com. Universal Extractor is a program designed to decompress and extract files from any type of archive or installer, such as ZIP or RAR files, self-extracting EXE files, application installers, etc. The full list of supported formats can be found in the table below.

What's New?

[ 08.17.2002 ]
added compressor: UPX v1.21 for Dos
added compressor: UPX v1.21 for Win
added compressor: UPX v1.22 for Dos
added compressor: UPX v1.22 for Win

Yeah, I'm back!

I have no time to update this web site recently.
If you have any new softwares, Please announce them in 'software release' area of my forum. Needn't mail to me.
Thanks for your continuously support.

[ 04.06.2002 ]
added protector: UPXFIX - Fix some upx file which is protected by UPXR, UPXSCREAMBLE etc.

[ 03.27.2002 ]
added unpacker: AspackDie 1.3d - support for an unknown Aspack version added

More Exe Unpacker videosExe Unpacker

[ 03.23.2002 ]
added compressor: PECompact v1.76
added protector: Armadillo 2.52 Beta 2
added unpacker: AspackDie 1.3c

[ 03.21.2002 ]
added unpacker: AspackDie 1.3b - support for packed files with extra data added

[ 03.19.2002 ]
added unpacker: AspackDie 1.3

[ 03.08.2002 ]
added unpacker: UN-PACK GUI 1.4

[ 03.03.2002 ]
added protector: Armadillo 2.51

[ 02.26.2002 ]
added protector: Armadillo 2.50
updated disassembler: IDA to SoftIce converter/loader v0.02i - added plugIn for IDA 4.19

[ 02.25.2002 ]
added compressor: PACK MASTER v1.0
updated disassembler: IDA to SoftIce converter/loader v0.02g
updated hex-editor: 16Edit FX
updated other: LordPE Gathering

Exe Unpacker

[ 02.19.2002 ]
updated file-analyzer: File Scanner 01.08.2002

[ 02.16.2002 ]
added protector: PE-PROTECTOR v1.0
added disassembler: Sourcer v8.01

[ 02.11.2002 ]
added protector: Armadillo 2.50 Beta-3

[ 02.01.2002 ]
added compressor: PECompact v1.71

[ 01.28.2002 ]
added compressor: FSG v1.0
added unpacker: UnFSG v0.4
added unpacker: UnPECompact 1.32 - support PECompact v1.69

[ 01.20.2002 ]
added compressor: ASPack 2.12 Regged!

[ 01.08.2002 ]
added compressor: ASPack 2.12
added unpacker: AspackDie 1.2 - support Aspack 2.11/2.11c/2.11d/2.12

Exe Unpacker Software

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